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Messages - Requiem

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XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - M4 6-Jan-2022 Peasant Revolution
« on: February 19, 2022, 10:27:34 am »
Did anyone try with ballistas? I never gave a shot (emh) in battle, these require lots of TUs but should have a fairly long range, at least i hope...
I only tried them in underwater missions to destroy beacons. At the airfield, this is a single shot and on the next turn your toon will be without cover, this is not what you need.

Each ninja bunker have a blind spots and you need to put your troops into them, HWP's must kill as many turrets as possible on turn 1. After that, it's just a matter of time. If you want to purge ninjas for sure then you need tanks+platemail(with bra/corset/stockings), cars with 25/14mm cannons works too. 
Also i really like to use a car with flamethrower just for lulz, usualy there spawns big bunker on the front without windows and i think flame on the top can cause really good chain reaction(not sure whats inside lol). This can provide more smoke or cover for you.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: February 09, 2022, 03:34:58 am »
I actually have crazy idea to make trap-base in the radar range of ninja bases with elevator in one corner and outpost in opposite and just to fill whole base only with fire pits, gas chambers and beast dens. Like, if they want to siege my bases so much, then let them come.  :D

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: February 09, 2022, 12:24:20 am »
This is how i build my outposts. Fire pits really good. Still want to try gas chambers.

screen1 - Plantations. I will be not to mad if i loose them. It's funny but i managed to defend them against academy with just 1 looted cyberdisk and 2 rookies, it was probably quickest defence i had in whole run. They all just burned in these fire pits. I think if some particular ninjas decide to explode in these pits it will be even faster.

screen2 - There will be warehouses and i dont want any sieges there, hangar will be replaced by 4 more lasers soon.

screen3 - Maybe there will be a factory after some rearrangements, still not decided.

screen4 - Just to give you idea for base with hangars. Outpost should be below fire pit.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: February 04, 2022, 08:42:47 am »
Thank you, i miss *no targetting civilians* i guess . Thought maybe there will be some limo with mages or something like that.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: February 04, 2022, 08:25:06 am »
Wich a requierments for Captain's Log #2 event? 3rd year still no event for diplomacy.
Still in question.

In general.. Well, in my opinion in the first year all you need to do is unlock all possible !missions! and contacts, also you want to unlock rpg, maybe warrior armor or even chain mail. And thats it. First year is relativly calm. As Greep said, all score jumps around april mostly are coused by ninjas and factions building their outposts. Shooting down flying stuff early doesnt change this too much.
After this it is a rush for tanks. Not sure wich nerfs were for them, but game is still dividing on before tanks unlock and after.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: February 03, 2022, 04:40:35 pm »
Sorry then, some questions seems obvious to me.
Contacts with Krazy Hanna or little bird construction are not too deep in research tree as i remember.
If you manage to shoot down one necroplane and unlock necroplane parts recycling then you will swim in 14mm chainguns.
Other sources are codex weapons, also there can be missions with bandits who have 25mm cannon but these are rng.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: February 03, 2022, 03:14:04 pm »
Not sure if that not trolling. There is a research topic litterally called "We Need Craft Weapons" wich will give you first 14mm for free, further research will open manufacturing and finally contacts to just buy 25mm.
Wich a requierments for Captain's Log #2 event? 3rd year still no event for diplomacy.

XPiratez / Re: Your crazy piratez moments
« on: February 02, 2022, 01:46:37 pm »
That feel when you have no more ninjas on the planet.  ::)
Well at least if there are no any "konoha"s that i don't know about.

not silly moment but i just happy about this.

XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
« on: January 31, 2022, 02:04:23 pm »
Wait HWP's allowed on the second stage?
Actually i can see this like harvester with 3 tanks and mecha with smoke screen salvo on turn 1. After that mecha can light up targets cause its have thermal vision.

XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
« on: January 31, 2022, 12:56:30 pm »
Actually if they can destroy tank obstacles in ninja fortress they can be vital in such sieges since fusion torch takes to much time to use.

I'm desperate about ninja fortresses btw, i just dont have a feel of unlimited POWAH no matter what i unlock.
Even with tanks, i might get through the first stage, but I have no idea what lurks in second.

XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
« on: January 31, 2022, 10:48:47 am »
Well, mecha punch can crush walls and they have good night vision so they can be support for your tanks, but thats in theory.
tbh when i think that one mecha will replace a tank or an assault bike, then it seems to me that they are not worthy of a hwp slot at all.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - M4 6-Jan-2022 Peasant Revolution
« on: January 31, 2022, 10:31:53 am »
April of the first year is always like this, it's fine. Factions build their hideouts(this claster of ships you saw), ninjas spawn etc. Score will be less jumpy in next monthes.
Things wil start to heating up if you join alliance blindly or after 2 years of doing nothing.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - M4 6-Jan-2022 Peasant Revolution
« on: January 31, 2022, 02:16:21 am »
In 4.0 first ninja airfield appear is scripted on 3+ difficulty, not sure  wich research topics can do this. Im on 3. difficulty too and for me airfield become fortress only at the middle of the second year or so. They builded 2 more airfields at the beggining of the 3 year.
- Ninja Balancing: No longer extra 3 Ninja bases appear due to tech progression. Last scripted base appears later on Blackbeard+ now. However, bases can appear endlessly with a small chance from 2603 onwards.

If first ninja base appeared right next to your base in early game it's better to start a new game. They will strangle you with sieges sooner or later.
Otherwise i would say just relax and play, ninja bases can generate several "govt defense" missions wich can bring you to -6000 or so. Anyway you will not loose a game until you get -500 score or -1kk money twice in a row.
Save items with short research time like data disks for tough monthes in early game, i think each topic with # gives you 250 of score and you can shoot'em several times to fix your rating fast.
Unlock all missions asap. Its possible to do ~4-6k of score per month just by doing missions and ignoring pogroms even in bad monthes.
In mid game score problems mostly become errelevant.

Also if you plan to build any passive defenses take in account that for example each Ninja Landcruiser have 2850hp, so you need arround 12 vulcan batteries to be able to defend from them. I will recommend to build just 2 hideout shrouds and 2 vulcans for your outposts to defend them from hobos until you unlock something like SAM sites or Laser Defenses. If you plan to shoot down incoming ships with craft then you need something beefy to tank damage like swordfish/kraken. As for Bykes and Seekers - Seagull missiles can bring them down quickly.

I have found the harvester useful for downing zepellins, armored patrols, and military convoys, but only when fully decked out.  But yeah, it's mostly either going to be cars/pirhannas/jetbikes/shadowcraft.
Yeah, it should be packed with 14mm x3 and a good pilot, but after this its basicly mini Convoy with 4 HWP. You can shove into it stuff like 4 Hyenas early.  My harvester are able to crawl in to the airfield and shoot down all 3 interceptors and then proceed to siege. On the usual battlescape its just op fortress. Harvesters = <3

Really curius about early game stuff like buckaroos/bombers. Anyone used them? Like outpost with wing of 3 buckaroos or something.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - M4 6-Jan-2022 Peasant Revolution
« on: January 30, 2022, 01:24:26 pm »
Mega lucky actually. Builded my first tank*85mm and it arrived on the base exactly before first attack.
Now i remembered why i abandoned previus run, it was because of such bs, but it was academy/church i think. Like 4-5 sieges per month again and again and there was nothing i could do about this..

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - M4 6-Jan-2022 Peasant Revolution
« on: January 29, 2022, 11:36:57 pm »
I just wanna to know how someone could came to the conclusion that one ninja siege is not enough and 3 in a row requiered.  >:(

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