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Messages - mrfusionus

Pages: [1]
Troubleshooting / Re: Superhuman difficulty -aliens number problem
« on: October 07, 2013, 06:51:48 pm »
I've Installed the latest nightly.

 Problem solved. Working great.


Troubleshooting / Re: Superhuman difficulty -aliens number problem
« on: October 07, 2013, 01:07:18 pm »
I appreciate your promptly answer.
I understand that the problem was identified and fixed -that's great!
 So, what should I do to play openxcom on SH with proper number of aliens? Should I download and reinstall openxcom again or change sth in the files I've already have?

Troubleshooting / [SOLVED] Superhuman difficulty -aliens number problem
« on: October 06, 2013, 10:42:46 pm »

Firstly, thank you for your effort to make one of my favourite games better.
Secondly, i'm quite sure there is a problem withe superhuman difficulty.

I've been playing all sort of XCOM/UFOs since 90's. Just after starting openxcom on SH diff and fighting some battles i've noticed that the number of aliens is less that it should be. (check "" for example). From terror mission I got 14 aliens (should be: 18-24), from base defense: 11 (should be: 22-28!), from Large Scout: 4 (should be:6-8) etc. Those numbers fit for Beg/Exp difficulty, not for SH. The diffrence during gameplay is noticable immediatly.

What worse, small number of aliens + "range-base accuracy" (great idea!)  option set to YES make SH difficulty unbearable easy, you just dont need to cover, and you can pass terror mission against cyberdiscs/sectoids with rifles armed rookies (what was almost impossible on "old" SH without R-BA option)

I've checked my savegames files, and I know that difficulty is set to: 4 (SH), but still, when I play the game the number of aliens is not correct.
I'm aware, that there are some posts, whose authors claim that "new openxcom rewrited diffiiculty" is morderous, but please, feel free to check the game on the settings I've posted.

I'd started new games 3 times, to make sure if it is not a glitch or I did make sth wrong. The openxcom seems to be installed correctly. I have steam version of Xcom.

Is there any explanation to the issue of aliens number, or maybe that was intended by openxcom authors? Is it possilble to fix it?

Thanks in advance
Best regards

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