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Messages - Postmo

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Re: Advent - A new X-Com game?
« on: June 01, 2015, 08:44:48 pm »
This actually sounds a lot more like XCom:Genesis, the canceled game they were working on before Microprose folded. In case anyone missed it, includes some more info not in the IGN article. Of note, in battlescape inventory manipulationn seems to be in, as well as what sounds like map generation being based on geoscape terrain.
Should be interesting to see how Xcom being on the offense changes up the dynamic of the geoscape, reminds me a bit of Jagged Alliance.

I'm very excited about the modding tools; considering that the Long War folks were able to jury rig a geoscape system that in ways rivaled or exceeded the original in complexity with nothing more than hex editing, I can't wait to people can cook up with real tools.

While vanilla Xcom EW is enjoyable, but flawed, I think the Long War mod makes it a worthy successor to the original xcom. The mod more or less restores the depth of UFO defense while being very innovative in it's own way, with things like alien progression based on an alien research system, providing passive resistance to panic in nations by fulfilling requests, a weapon system with a great deal of unique weapons and tiers that fulfill unique tactical roles while still fitting into the overall narrative progression of xcom technology and a bunch of other features. Long War, in my opinion, captures the spirit of UFO Defense while still preserving the depth and replayability that vanilla Firaxis XCOM lacked and providing a unique experience of it's own.

Offtopic / Re: Xcom-like: Massive Chalice kickstarter from Doublefine
« on: June 04, 2013, 03:59:22 am »
Speaking of Kickstarters, there's also the new Jagged Alliance that just got funded. Apparently they hired a bunch of the Ja2 1.13 people to work on it.

Suggestions / Re: Configurable number of bullets in Aimed/Snap/Auto
« on: March 02, 2013, 04:00:48 am »
Would it be possible to implement something like JA2 1.13, where you can right click to add additional bullets to a burst, and drag to draw a path to sweep the gun? I know ufo extender has something like that.

Offtopic / Re: shocking news: XCom: Enemy Unknown by Firaxis
« on: February 28, 2013, 03:39:11 am »
Not sure if anyone's seen this yet, but there's a great article here about the development of XCom: EU. It includes some footage of the pre-alpha, which was more or less a 1:1 remake of UD. What's interesting is that the devteam really wanted to make a very close remake, but was forced to simplify and cut a bunch of features out of fear of not being greenlit by 2K and lack of resources. Hopefully, now that the game's proven to be a commercial success, the expansion that Firaxis has been hinting at will expand the depth of the game, especially since they scrapped the second DLC to focus on it.

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