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Messages - Drago888

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
XPiratez / Xpiratez High resolution for Cutscenes and most of Ufopaedia
« on: November 12, 2020, 04:16:33 pm »
Dear all,

I had modified Xcom extended to support high resolution images (1280x800) for Cutscenes and most of Ufopaedia.

For those interested, you can download the game from Please check back once in a while as will update any patched version there.

My codes is found at

For any errors, please drop an email to me at with subject beginning with Xpiratez.

If anyone have good quality images better than what ESRGanResizer can generate, please pass to me.

To use back the original x-com or 320x200 xpiratez, change the options.cfg file for the below or delete them.
  cutsceneResolutionX: 320
  cutsceneResolutionY: 200
  pediaBgResolutionX: 320
  pediaBgResolutionY: 200

Attached are some screenshots of the HD version.

Thank You

PS: Only 64bits executable attached

Edit on 9 Dec 2020 - Version L6 is ready

I could say that this will be VERY hard in OXCE, current code is optimalzied for 8bit and changing this will make only mess in code.
You probably could have bigger chances in OXC as it still use mostly native SDL surfaces.

Thanks. Still the mod that I am using (Xpiratez) is running on oxce.
And really can't stand the blocky looking pictures thus embarking to modify it for my own enjoyment of the game.

btw why you want load RGB image? right now OXCE support only 8bit graphics and ignore all palettes from loaded file.

I am changing cutscenes and ufopaedia images to use true color 1280x800 pictures. Thus changing the codes. Had only completed cutscenes and ufopaedia craft, craft weapon, vehicle, items. Progress is way too slow than what I hope.

How good it is if I am such a good programmer as most here :(. Then will probably have completed it by now

Seriously, don't use SDL_Image for pngs, it's based on an ancient libpng version and is buggy as hell.

SDL_pnglite is much better.

Thanks, think had found the issues for my images. Thus switching back to using lodepng for png and sdl_image for others.
However, not sure if it is pertaining to the images I am using only or will work for other images.

For all 24 bits color, lodepng is working correctly (RGB). However, 32 bits images, I wrongly assume that it is getting ARGB. Change to RGBA and seems to be getting correct color. Hopefully it will work for all.

If there is no update here, it will be working well. Else will post another message upon finding other color distortion

Thanks Meridian.

Hmm, since my project will not be for Mac, thus will be safe to use SDL_Image.
At least until I figure out the endianness and RGB mask for lodepng.

Dear experts,

Need to seek your guidance on how lodepng does the RGB encoding for true color 24 bits pixels?
Cos when using lodepng, some of the pictures will have their color wrong, whereas most have it correct. I believe that it is caused by the endianness which strangely is different for each image. I am treating lodepng as always storing as RGB.

Also, what is the purpose of lodepng?
Cos when I use SDL_Image only, all my images will be correct color. (As I can determine endianness from SDL_BYTEORDER)

Thanks in advance

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: Yaml-cpp.dll or static library for x64
« on: October 16, 2020, 10:14:44 pm »
For those who encounter read access issues like me, please use the attachment in this post for the dependencies.

However, there is some changes to the VS 2019 solution required.

Change for all the configuration (Release - Win32, Debug - Win32, Release - x64, Debug - x64)

1. Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories
   Change $(ProjectDir)..\deps\lib\$(Platform) to $(ProjectDir)..\deps\lib\$(Platform)\$(Configuration)
2. Build Events -> Post-Build Event -> Command Line
   Change copy /y "$(ProjectDir)..\deps\lib\$(Platform)\*.dll" "$(ProjectDir)..\bin\$(Platform)\"
   to copy /y "$(ProjectDir)..\deps\lib\$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\*.dll" "$(ProjectDir)..\bin\$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\"

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: Yaml-cpp.dll or static library for x64
« on: October 16, 2020, 11:54:46 am »
Thanks Meridian for guidance and pointing to correct direction.

Able to compile and link but running hit read access violation when debugging. (Release version no issue).
This is caused by cannot use 1 set of libraries for both debug and release.

Will try to figure out compiling using older yaml-cpp version based on version v1.6.3 makefile.

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: Yaml-cpp.dll or static library for x64
« on: October 16, 2020, 09:41:57 am »
Can anybody guide me on how to create the yaml-cppd.lib and yaml-cppd.dll files for debug?

As getting the below error when debugging in both versions
Severity   Code   Description   Project   File   Line   Suppression State
Error   LNK1104   cannot open file 'yaml-cppd.lib'   OpenXcom   D:\oxce\OpenXcom\src\LINK   1   


OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: Yaml-cpp.dll or static library for x64
« on: October 16, 2020, 05:00:49 am »
Thanks Meridian for his help and guidance.

Attached is my dep files for both win32 and x64. (Both working on my local copy)

And the issue is caused by the program using 5GB to load the cutscenes. (Up to 2GB to load all the images and 3GB to upsize the fonts to 8x X-axis, 8x Y-axis).
Will rethink my strategy to use two sets of fonts (big and small) for each size instead of upscaling every couple fonts per slide.

Thanks again for your sharing your expertise

EDIT - Do not use this attachment as does not works for debug. Use the attachment in the below post instead

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: Yaml-cpp.dll or static library for x64
« on: October 15, 2020, 04:22:33 pm »
Thanks. Will investigate more.

OXCE Builds & Ports / [Solved] Yaml-cpp.dll or static library for x64
« on: October 15, 2020, 02:30:22 pm »

Does anybody have a compiled version of yaml.cpp that is working and compatible with oxce?

Tried compiling it but always hit unreolved external dependency error when linking oxce.

I am using vs2019 and requires x64 as changing the images in cutscenes, background (not yet done) and ufopedia (not yet done) to resolution 2560 x 1600.
Encounter memory allocation error if changed all cutscenes images.
Suspect due to memory exceeding (i believe is 2gb) for win32.

Thank you

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