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Messages - AmigaDave

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Re: Introduce yourself
« on: August 21, 2012, 07:05:34 am »
I am AmigaDave from Calif. and have played Xcom (UFO Enemy Unknown) on the Amiga for almost 20 years, off and on.  Believe it or not, I still have my original Amiga A1000 that I purchased used in 1987 as my first ever computer.  I learned everything I know about computers on that Amiga A1000, or the A2000 I bought to supersede it, and I am still using Amiga computers to this day, with my brand new AmigaOne X1000 that was delivered in Feb. of this year.  It is amazing that the Amiga has not completely died out yet, but I hope it never will.

I am just starting to learn C/C++ (on my Amiga of course, plus on a branch of the Amiga, called MorphOS3.1, which runs on my 1.67GHz G4 PowerBook), but the studying is going well so far and I think I will be able to learn fast.  I was forced into an early retirement 5 years ago due to a failed back surgery, which made my pain worse, instead of better.  My back condition has gotten progressively worse over time and I am hoping the insurance company will approve a 2nd back surgery to fix the mistakes made during the first surgery, but there are no guarantees in the medical profession.  I am willing to take the chance again and endure the pain of a 2nd surgery, if I have even a 5% chance for things getting better, so I can go back to a normal life.

Being retired and disabled lets me do little else than watch TV movies and play, or work on my laptop, so I might as well learn something to make my time productive.  Not sure if/when I would be able to contribute to this project, but if not, maybe the next one.  I would like to port this remake of Xcom to the Next Generation Amiga systems, if possible.

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