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Messages - rkagerer

Pages: [1]
OXCE Support / Re: Parsing soldier stats from .sav
« on: April 15, 2024, 02:12:46 am »
Screenshots as promised.

OXCE Support / Re: Parsing soldier stats from .sav
« on: April 15, 2024, 02:08:09 am »
Thanks for responding so quickly.

I've investigated some more and can say with confidence the behavior I'm seeing is:
  • Commendations with the same name and decoration level do not stack.
  • Commendations with the same name but different decoration levels do stack.
Or put another way, you can gain some extra bonus stats by purposely mastering different weapons to different thresholds.  This seems a bit odd / unintuitive and I'm not sure it's by design.

Once I accounted for this I got perfect results out of my SAV-to-Excel soldier stat extraction script.  Across all 47 of my soldiers of varying length of service and experience.  Tested on OpenXcom Extended 7.11 with the X-Com Files mod.  I'll throw some screenshots in the next comment.

After the fact I found some more information here which might shed some light if anyone stumbles across this thread in the future:

EDIT: I believe this is because the X-Come Files rules file maps different decoration levels for commendations to distinct soldierBonuses entries in soldierBonuses_XCOMFILES.rul.

OXCE Support / Re: Parsing soldier stats from .sav
« on: April 14, 2024, 11:36:44 pm »
I think I've mostly figured it out.  One that's still causing me a minor headache is the Weapon Master bonus aka STR_MEDAL_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_NAME.

In the commendations diary of my save file it appears twice, once for each gun:

Code: [Select]
            - {commendationName: STR_MEDAL_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_NAME, noun: STR_BLACKOPS_MAGNUM, decorationLevel: 0}
            - {commendationName: STR_MEDAL_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_NAME, noun: STR_NITRO_EXPRESS, decorationLevel: 0}

But I gather the bonus (+1 throwing) is not in fact added twice.  How does the game compute the bonus to apply?  Does it pick the entry with the highest decorationLevel and ignore the others?

Would the same logic apply to STR_MEDAL_RACE_KILLS_NAME and any other case where there are multiple entries with the same commendationName but differing nouns?

In case it helps, the relevant section in commendations_XCOMFILES.rul is:

Code: [Select]
    sprite: 2
      totalKillsWithAWeapon: [15, 25, 40, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200, 350, 500]

and in soldierBonuses_XCOMFILES.rul:

Code: [Select]
      throwing: 1
      throwing: 1
      melee: 1

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« on: April 14, 2024, 06:35:39 am »
Thanks for the clarification, appreciate it!

Also I didn't realize I could prime grenades on a soldier's inventory when they're stationed at a base.  I was always doing it upon landing at a site, immediately before the mission.  When done that way the prime isn't "saved" for the next mission, but when primed at the base the game remembers it for next time - which makes perfect sense (i.e. you set up your 'standard' loadout at base but might want to tailor it for a specific mission).  That's greatly alleviated the amount of priming I've have to do when starting missions (even when not using templates etc).

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« on: April 13, 2024, 11:44:25 am »
If you want to use soldier-specific personal templates, you can store them with 'S' hotkey and restore with 'L'. So re-equipping the same stuff for the same soldiers would always work and be about 10-15 seconds of work if you just TAB through the soldiers and press L on each of them.

Thanks for the tip!  This sounds like it will work great on PC, but not on mobile.  Oddly enough I find myself playing this game more on mobile (odd because I'm not usually a fan of gaming on mobile and historically have preferred PC).
Just don't take low psi agents on missions with psionic enemies, there aren't many of them.

How do I know (or guess) which these are?

Also what is Apocalypse-style equipment assignment?  (Been a long time since I played Apocalypse, probably forgot...)

OXCE Support / Re: Parsing soldier stats from .sav
« on: April 12, 2024, 07:48:53 am »
Thanks for that link, it's very helpful!

Looks like I'll have to parse through mod rules and each soldier's diary of commendations - youch.
Any further hints on where the relevant data is stored (in the filesystem) which ties each commendation to it's quantitative stat?  (Trying to glean it out of the code but tough to fill in all the blanks without the convenience breakpoints / inspection).

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« on: April 12, 2024, 07:41:28 am »
Thanks.  I didn't realize it worked like that - have not played with the template buttons on that screen.  I'm not clear on the difference between "Personal Equipment" and "Equipment Template".  Is one tied to the individual agent, and one to a set of templates you can define?

What's the Save vs Save+ button all about?

Is there a way you can load everyone's personal equipment template at once to gain the primed grenades you saved, without having to go through each agent individually?

Sorry for all the questions, new to those features and trying to figure it out.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« on: April 12, 2024, 05:27:10 am »
Loving this mod.

I notice these OXC options are disabled / purple:
  • Allow Psi-Strength Improvement
  • Instant Grenades
Could you expand a little on why they're unavailable?

It's kind of disappointing in my current playthrough - I rolled a lot of early soldiers with low PSI strength who have now been on 50+ missions and I'd love a path to salvage them so I don't need to sack half my crew.

As for grenades, I rarely use anything other than 0 and would love some way to automatically prime all equipped items with a single click.  But I feel like the right place for such an option would be here:

I tried turning on the "Save pre-primed grenades" option hoping that would at least keep some of the ones I previously primed active the next time the soldier goes into battle, but it didn't seem to do that.  Maybe I'm not clear what that setting is supposed to do.

OXCE Support / Parsing soldier stats from .sav
« on: April 12, 2024, 12:30:42 am »
Hi there,

I'm making a spreadsheet that uses VBA scripting to locate my latest X-Com Files savegame, and pull in solider names and stats.  I've got it parsing out soliders from various bases, mostly fed from the soldierStats sections of the yaml file.

Unfortunately I just realized what's listed in the .sav doesn't match what's shown in-game on the agent info screen.  I'm guessing there are some bonuses or something that apply on top, possibly from the commendations history or elsewhere in the savegame's records for a particular solder.

Could you help point me to the correct way to calculate the stats, so that my import algorithm will match what's displayed in-game?


The X-Com Files / Wildey vs. armor?
« on: March 11, 2024, 03:51:47 am »
UFOpaedia for Wildey pistol says it "fares very badly against body armor".  But  Stats for Nerds shows it's clip's effectiveness against armor is 150%, which looks great!  (Better than the Magnum).  Am I reading that stat backwards?

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files now on Patreon!
« on: March 04, 2024, 01:55:03 am »
I discovered OpenXcom and X-Com Files nearly by accident about a month ago, and have been working my way through a Veteran play-through.  I'm absolutely blown away by the sheer volume of new content and, overall, its high quality.  This is miles better than the original game as well as all the sequels since.

Even got it set up to sync saves between my Android and PC, which is convenient (playing on mobile turned out to be more workable than expected, and this game sure beats 99% of the ad-laden, in-app-purchase-cursed titles in the Play store).

I miss some of the small "quality of life" features of Xenonauts (e.g. switching to the next soldier while the last one is still walking) but am still having a blast.

I sent a donation to  I'd like to also make a one-time to Solarius and Meridian, as I gather from above they've put a lot of work into this mod.  But I'm not on Patreon and don't want to sign up for it.  Do they already have any other donation links?  (@SupSuper I sent you an email maybe you can help me get in touch with them).

In any case I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who made this mod happen.

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