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Messages - S810_Jr

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / Equipment idea - Megaphone
« on: October 15, 2021, 02:13:34 pm »
No idea if this is possible with OXCE but this is my idea.

A 1 handed equipment item.
When activated (or primed like a grenade maybe?) and in hand the solider is visible like they are a light source, because of the loud noise of them talking with it. Then if OXCE allows for it, Civilian AI becomes attracted towards that solider. You know, because the human with the megaphone is shouting "Come over here where we'll protect you from that THING trying to kill you that you are walking towards!". Maybe have it use most of the TUs to do this, so they are highly visible to the enemy and can not simply run away after using it.
If the AI can not be altered in OXCE to be attracted towards the soldier then maybe just a high % chance of you being able to mind control them (and only civilians) so you can run them behind you.

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