Author Topic: [OLD] Old OXCE discussion thread  (Read 750344 times)

Offline HelmetHair

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #165 on: December 03, 2014, 03:17:23 am »
I have a request.

Custom medkit weapons, that is to say I want an item type that allows me to define a ranged weapon with a med kit  stim option and be able to give it a melee damage

I want to make "detention equipment" Which is like three items in one with the goal of stunning/ capturing someone. Which would actually be a combination of a few items shown in a 2x3 item area.

-A taser for doing stun damage up to four squares away
-A Syringe for dosing an operative full of Thorazine
-Duct-Tape\zip ties\ blindfold...for flavor :)
-A truncheon for beating them unconscious

How many times have you been like "OK, I really don't want to kill you, but I need you NOT to be taken over by aliens." Thus I want to be able to taze, inject, beat senseless, hog tie and blindfold troublesome operatives.

**edit** new idea came to me about 15 minutes after I posted... no need for a new post!**

I would like a  "We can now buy" screen to pop-up if I complete a research project if I can buy something my scientists or engineers didn't think to purchase before.

A few examples...

I would like to be able to research let's say "alien circuitry" from the Xops mod and learn about cool alien circuit designs that I can't replicate, but still gained insight into how the aliens do things and make some breakthroughs. What if I could make inferior knock-offs to use in human equipment and told telecommunications company that they could have the tech if when they fabricate it I can buy it from them?


What if my guys discover that the alien abduction equipment is really good for DNA analysis and creating custom drugs for a person almost instantly? I call Merck and they give me bad ass combat drugs with a smile for cluing them in.


My scientists discover a way to make Elerium go further by refining it with nuclear waste. I suddenly need to buy nuclear waste and use it to refine Elerium... cuz my engineers said so.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 04:10:49 am by HelmetHair »

Offline bladum

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #166 on: December 03, 2014, 09:24:00 am »

Please consider following new features:

1) feature (global variable) to penalty players to use two hand weapons and still use grenandes etc ? This is quite simple to implement.

If move item FROM / TO hand and second hand is taken and item is two handed, then double or triple cost to move this item TO or FROM second free hand. This double or triple would be modifier. Default value would be 1.0.

This should be simple to implement but this could broke balance of one - two hands weapons.

2) feature for terrains / biomes that changes its "texture" and "battlescapeID" based on time of year.

 What we need is a new field for terrain. Normally there is "terrainID" for terrain. Lets add an array with 12 items that would simulate change of terrain per months. And when EndMonth trigger is run then change terrain behavior based on this array.

terrainID = 3
terrainMatrix = [3,3,3,3,3,3,5,5,5,5,5,5]

So this terrain is "3" in Jan-Jun but is 5 in Jul-Dec. This works both for visual effect and battlescape. Default value would be same as standard terrainID for all months.

This should be tricky to implement i think.

3) feature about obsolete technology which works exactly opposite to required. Below is pseudo code:

Code: [Select]
item / craft / ufopedia etc is available when:
obsolete tech is not owned
required tech is owned
rest is same as in vanilla

This could be simple to do but without modders adding new feature this is useless.

4) Race specific alien base with its own tilesets defined in race section. I mean you defined only mission or terrain for this race, nothing more. So we can add new alien race like Man in Black to have its own alien base but still standard alien base must be used during battle.

This should be simple to implement but creating new alien race with tileset might be very complex making this feature almost useless without new graphics.

5) option to display before battle REGION and COUNTRY that will be used to score points against based on location on geoscape. In case of no country exist then it will be neutral territory. Also information about current funding or score results for this country would be nice to know if this battle is more or less important.

This should be simple.

6) Add feature to ufo ships to use custom icon on geoscape. Actually all alien ships use same sprite now which is a small red dot. But instead of this custom one could be used with default value of what is no. This sprite would be very small like 3x3 or 5x5 but would help to differentiate small / medium / large UFO on screen if geoscape sprite file is edited.

This should be simple to implement.

7) add new parameter to Terrain or Mission that would allow to simulate "scorched earth" tactics by aliens. This would be implemented by changing parameter from 0 (default) to N number of explosion randomly on battlescape after battlescape is generated and before it is played. There would be 50% for human grenade, 25% for smoke one, 25% for fire grenade explosion. This function could be modified by alien race modification defined on alienRace: level from 25% to 250% with default 100% .

Should be simple to add but could broke a balance a bit. 

8 ) add feature that urban objects contains score value just like alien tiles contains alien alloy that could be gathered by x-com after battle is completed. This score would be deducted from mission if lot of human made structures are destroyed during battle if battle is inside country area. Single tile made by human should be counted for -0.1 of score and maybe few tiles like doors / shop selves for -1 score etc. This feature could be used in future to create a missions that actually aliens want to destroy tiles that have a lot of score when destroyed just like they want to hunt civilians. It is already implement to let aliens destroy part of human base during base assault. 

This is a lot of work to update tiles, but would be nice to have this to actually save humanity from aliens not just pull down every wall with blaster bomb.

9) add parameter to define percentage chance to execute single ufo trajectory waypoint. Default value is 100% and if below 100% then roll a dice and if above threshold then move to next waypoint.

10) this is cool one :) some mods has very complex research tree. If player does not know what to research then add button to have a "brainstorm with scientist". This would be a special project with a cost of 100 points of no score that would display a popup window what is required to unlock new technology. Just go through the technology tree and choose randomly single technology and display its requirements which have not been researched yet. Still player would need to gather those requirements but at least it would be more obvious what to find. This could be used to add "tutorial" into the game.

PS: I can help you with the code, i am already familiar with oxc structure.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 12:33:26 pm by bladum »

Offline Yankes

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #167 on: December 03, 2014, 11:57:40 pm »
I have a request.

Custom medkit weapons, that is to say I want an item type that allows me to define a ranged weapon with a med kit  stim option and be able to give it a melee damage

I want to make "detention equipment" Which is like three items in one with the goal of stunning/ capturing someone. Which would actually be a combination of a few items shown in a 2x3 item area.

-A taser for doing stun damage up to four squares away
-A Syringe for dosing an operative full of Thorazine
-Duct-Tape\zip ties\ blindfold...for flavor :)
-A truncheon for beating them unconscious

How many times have you been like "OK, I really don't want to kill you, but I need you NOT to be taken over by aliens." Thus I want to be able to taze, inject, beat senseless, hog tie and blindfold troublesome operatives.

**edit** new idea came to me about 15 minutes after I posted... no need for a new post!**

I would like a  "We can now buy" screen to pop-up if I complete a research project if I can buy something my scientists or engineers didn't think to purchase before.

A few examples...

I would like to be able to research let's say "alien circuitry" from the Xops mod and learn about cool alien circuit designs that I can't replicate, but still gained insight into how the aliens do things and make some breakthroughs. What if I could make inferior knock-offs to use in human equipment and told telecommunications company that they could have the tech if when they fabricate it I can buy it from them?


What if my guys discover that the alien abduction equipment is really good for DNA analysis and creating custom drugs for a person almost instantly? I call Merck and they give me bad ass combat drugs with a smile for cluing them in.


My scientists discover a way to make Elerium go further by refining it with nuclear waste. I suddenly need to buy nuclear waste and use it to refine Elerium... cuz my engineers said so.

I don't think that mixing item types is good idea, most of this features you request are possible as separate weapons.
Weapon damage can affect "hp", "tu", "energy" and "morale" in positive or negative way. You could create pistol that will kickup stunned unit form ground simply shooting place where unit lie.
Its probably too much code change for so small functionality.

To next thing, I would prefer don't touch UI at all. To do it properly it would require adding new language strings.
This will cause multiple problems I would prefer avoid. But functionality you require is already implemented (except of UI part).
Availability of items in buy windows can depend on research state.


Please consider following new features:

1) feature (global variable) to penalty players to use two hand weapons and still use grenandes etc ? This is quite simple to implement.

If move item FROM / TO hand and second hand is taken and item is two handed, then double or triple cost to move this item TO or FROM second free hand. This double or triple would be modifier. Default value would be 1.0.

This should be simple to implement but this could broke balance of one - two hands weapons.

2) feature for terrains / biomes that changes its "texture" and "battlescapeID" based on time of year.

 What we need is a new field for terrain. Normally there is "terrainID" for terrain. Lets add an array with 12 items that would simulate change of terrain per months. And when EndMonth trigger is run then change terrain behavior based on this array.

terrainID = 3
terrainMatrix = [3,3,3,3,3,3,5,5,5,5,5,5]

So this terrain is "3" in Jan-Jun but is 5 in Jul-Dec. This works both for visual effect and battlescape. Default value would be same as standard terrainID for all months.

This should be tricky to implement i think.

3) feature about obsolete technology which works exactly opposite to required. Below is pseudo code:

Code: [Select]
item / craft / ufopedia etc is available when:
obsolete tech is not owned
required tech is owned
rest is same as in vanilla

This could be simple to do but without modders adding new feature this is useless.

4) Race specific alien base with its own tilesets defined in race section. I mean you defined only mission or terrain for this race, nothing more. So we can add new alien race like Man in Black to have its own alien base but still standard alien base must be used during battle.

This should be simple to implement but creating new alien race with tileset might be very complex making this feature almost useless without new graphics.

5) option to display before battle REGION and COUNTRY that will be used to score points against based on location on geoscape. In case of no country exist then it will be neutral territory. Also information about current funding or score results for this country would be nice to know if this battle is more or less important.

This should be simple.

6) Add feature to ufo ships to use custom icon on geoscape. Actually all alien ships use same sprite now which is a small red dot. But instead of this custom one could be used with default value of what is no. This sprite would be very small like 3x3 or 5x5 but would help to differentiate small / medium / large UFO on screen if geoscape sprite file is edited.

This should be simple to implement.

7) add new parameter to Terrain or Mission that would allow to simulate "scorched earth" tactics by aliens. This would be implemented by changing parameter from 0 (default) to N number of explosion randomly on battlescape after battlescape is generated and before it is played. There would be 50% for human grenade, 25% for smoke one, 25% for fire grenade explosion. This function could be modified by alien race modification defined on alienRace: level from 25% to 250% with default 100% .

Should be simple to add but could broke a balance a bit. 

8 ) add feature that urban objects contains score value just like alien tiles contains alien alloy that could be gathered by x-com after battle is completed. This score would be deducted from mission if lot of human made structures are destroyed during battle if battle is inside country area. Single tile made by human should be counted for -0.1 of score and maybe few tiles like doors / shop selves for -1 score etc. This feature could be used in future to create a missions that actually aliens want to destroy tiles that have a lot of score when destroyed just like they want to hunt civilians. It is already implement to let aliens destroy part of human base during base assault. 

This is a lot of work to update tiles, but would be nice to have this to actually save humanity from aliens not just pull down every wall with blaster bomb.

9) add parameter to define percentage chance to execute single ufo trajectory waypoint. Default value is 100% and if below 100% then roll a dice and if above threshold then move to next waypoint.

10) this is cool one :) some mods has very complex research tree. If player does not know what to research then add button to have a "brainstorm with scientist". This would be a special project with a cost of 100 points of no score that would display a popup window what is required to unlock new technology. Just go through the technology tree and choose randomly single technology and display its requirements which have not been researched yet. Still player would need to gather those requirements but at least it would be more obvious what to find. This could be used to add "tutorial" into the game.

PS: I can help you with the code, i am already familiar with oxc structure.

1) I think it could complicate too much inventory management, but if you could create clean implementation of this I can merge it to my branch (it could be defined per weapon, because some weapons could be harder to handle).
2) Interesting idea, but I have problem with transition form one state to another. I have some possible solutions for this but all will be probably very complex.
3) Can be done.
4) I didn't touch that code region jet.
5) I prefer avoid UI stuff.
6) Interesting idea, It could be simply implemented by two YAML arrays of pixel colors. I think it could be expand to human crafts too.
7) & 8 ) Can be done, but I would prefer focusing on something different.
9) Can be done.
10) Again its require change in UI.

Offline HelmetHair

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #168 on: December 04, 2014, 12:12:54 am »
To next thing, I would prefer don't touch UI at all. To do it properly it would require adding new language strings.
This will cause multiple problems I would prefer avoid. But functionality you require is already implemented (except of UI part).
Availability of items in buy windows can depend on research state.

Please provide a working example so I may replicate it.


Offline robin

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #169 on: December 04, 2014, 12:13:45 am »
Armor can have build in regeneration.
Alien armors too?

Offline Yankes

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #170 on: December 04, 2014, 12:42:31 am »
Please provide a working example so I may replicate it.

from first post:
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_PISTOL
    requiresBuy: #what tech is requare for item be visible in buy window.
      - STR_PSI_AMP
You can buy basic pistol only if you research psi amp.

Alien armors too?
armors data are share between solder and aliens, if it possible for humans it is possible for aliens (in 99% cases).

Offline HelmetHair

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #171 on: December 04, 2014, 03:03:52 am »
Thanks... My weekend is shot thanks to you...  ;D

Offline bladum

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #172 on: December 04, 2014, 12:46:29 pm »
1) is it possible to set required technology to USE item in battlescape and to BUILD item by engineers as two separate technologies ?

if not can we add this ?

2) Does aliens consider effective chance to hit when using different accuracy modifiers like aimRange, snapRange etc ? I found that aliens try to shoot using shotgun outside max range and using sniper rifle inside min range. In both cases this cripples alien tactics a lot.

Would be nice to add simple check what should be current accuracy and theoretical accuracy in few closest nodes. In case accuracy is low try to move to another node first before fire. This would work both for min and max Range. This would be cheating for aliens but would simulate proper usage of weapons based on their range. This could be turn on / off as option just like SneakyAI.

3) what about option to auto buy items if they are not available to refuel / reload crafts ? It is still pain in the arse to go to base to buy single stingray missile because it lacks. This would require flag to item autoBuy and if player has money and there is enough store in the base then instead of display window "not enough" then just buy it.

4) would be nice to have feature to CREATE ITEM on the field where bullet hits terrain. Item would be created AFTER explosion if any exist. I can imagine a flare launcher for example but there are more examples. This is already implemented in create map block so shouldn't be problem.

5) would be nice to have feature to CREATE ITEM on field that unit have left during movement. This is already implemented for one alien terror unit but i think is not configurable for other units.

6) feature based on global variable with default value of 0, that simulates Half-life time of Elerium-115. Every start of month player is loosing N% of its elerium-115 cargo just like decay of radioactive isotopes. So value of 0.1 would mean loss of 10%. Script could be very simple, just add in newMonth trigger check of alien fuel item and deduct N% from it. With default value of 0 this will not harm standard game.

7) acceleration based dogfights. Once again global parameters that control this aspect of the game. It defines percentage change of default speed based on difference of acceleration between UFO and x-com craft. Default value is 0.0.

Avenger with acceleration of 10 is fighting battleship with acceleration of 5. Default speed of UFO during dogfight is 4 / -2. In case of our parameter is set to 0.05 then we have 1.25 * 4 and 0.75 * -2 in the game.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 10:01:29 pm by bladum »

Offline Yankes

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #173 on: December 04, 2014, 10:10:29 pm »
1) Yes, it's in basic OXC
2) This probably should be fix in basic OXC
3) This will require UI changes, and this is more as gameplay improvements than mod (This could be sneak in to basic OXC).
4) & 5) And item will do what? This will require additional changes too to have any interesting gameplay effect.
6) This should be more per item type, corpses and aliens could "decay" too. But I don't think that will be so easy to implements. Do you remember monthly payment exploit in original ufo?

Offline yrizoud

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #174 on: December 05, 2014, 12:05:27 am »
3) An auto-resupply would promote lazy management. Also, the game can't really delay the rearming : When the missing clip arrives 2 days later, how can the game put it in the right pocket of the right soldier in the right craft ?

Offline HelmetHair

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #175 on: December 05, 2014, 05:45:45 am »
3) An auto-resupply would promote lazy management. Also, the game can't really delay the rearming : When the missing clip arrives 2 days later, how can the game put it in the right pocket of the right soldier in the right craft ?

I don't know.... maybe biscuit making? no no no that's not right.... Programming! that's the word!


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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #176 on: December 05, 2014, 10:12:36 am »
I mean, how do you handle the conflict when the ship is transferred in a different base, the soldier is assigned to a different ship, or already re-equipped differently ?

Offline bladum

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #177 on: December 05, 2014, 11:17:02 am »
i just proposed a solution to a common problem
i am not saying its simple to implement or if it does cause more problems then it solves :)

For example i just make a test how acceleration impact dogfight and it works great from tactics point of view but on the other hand completely change airbone warfare and force to create new balance for both x-com crafts and alien ufos.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 11:29:24 am by bladum »

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #178 on: December 05, 2014, 08:27:56 pm »
i wrote custom images support for ufos for land / fly / crash states. What do you think about those images ? Can someone interested made better version with assumption that each sprite should not be larger then 5x5 for example ?

« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 09:18:49 pm by bladum »

Offline robin

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Re: [EXE] OpenXcom Extended
« Reply #179 on: December 05, 2014, 09:34:17 pm »
Can I assign a custom icon based upon mission type/ufo type?

For example. In my MiB mod there's a custom mission type called "STR_MIB_BASE" (which employs a custom ufo type "STR_MIB_BASE_LANDING"). Can I assign a custom icon to one of them, so that, on the geoscape, this mission are visually differentiated from the regular ufo ground site?

(The ability to differentiate visually -thus making them immediately recognizable- custom missions form regular ufo ground/crash sites, would be quite useful I'd say).