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Topics - luciderous

Pages: [1]
Builds & Ports / Mac OS X port debug & testing
« on: June 23, 2014, 12:31:12 pm »
This topic is created specifically to address the need for constant feedback reporting on Mac-specific port issues and bugs. If you experience any of those, describe them here in detail. Always include your meta-info, like OSX version number, build tested, relevant notes (like options, mods used and so on) and crash/debug logs, if any (preferably with the help of services like this one -
Let's see if the new debug build works for those people who experience crashes one way or another -

Translations / Ukrainian translation
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:45:52 pm »
I'll do the ukrainian translation 8)

Builds & Ports / Compiling on Mac OS X Lion with Xcode 4 template
« on: November 28, 2010, 12:27:42 pm »

Get Xcode 4.1 template with all the dependencies included here -

Easy compilation guide (Note that for readability's sake '/' means the template's root folder, not your system root):

1. Run Xcode, open Organizer, add the Project's Git Repository ( and clone it (save with a "OpenXcomGit" name).
2. Add source folder (/OpenXcomGit/src) to your project tree (! choose "Create groups for any added folders").
3. Remove all the irrelevant project files from project tree: Makefile, resource.h, all the Visual Studio files etc., when asked choose "Delete References".
4. Copy all the original XCOM folders/files into (/OpenXcomGit/bin/DATA) folder.
5. Right-click on "Supporting Files" in the project tree and add "/OpenXcomGit/bin/DATA" folder there (! choose "Create folder references for any added folders")
6. Build & Run! Enjoy!

Dependencies included:
SDL-1.2.14 (official pkg)
SDL_mixer-1.2.11 (official pkg)
SDL_gfx-2.0.22 (built myself since no official pkg has been released, "Deployment Target" = 10.5)
yaml-cpp--0.2.6 (built framework myself, "Deployment Target" = 10.6)

P.S. Here is a precompiled binary (constantly updated), created by following the aforementioned step-by-step guide.
v. 0.3 (9c322148c536) -

Offtopic / SFML instead of SDL?
« on: November 25, 2010, 11:28:32 pm »
Has anyone given a thought to any benefits a switch from SDL to SFML might bring in the long run? Correct me if I'm wrong, but there seems to be a possibility to avoid the dependency mishmash we have with SDL-based libraries, since SFML seems to support all the needed functionality ( in a one neat package. However, it's not a suggestion per se, since such a work would require a lot of effort on SupSuper's and Daiky's side, but a topic to discuss nevertheless.

Programming / Window popup animation
« on: August 01, 2010, 09:51:09 am »
Something has been bugging me for quite a long time recently and I really didn't get what was exactly the reason. Finally, I've found the culprit - it was the window popup animation lag. I've double-checked it with the original X-Com and it was totally missing there - the windows popped up instantly!
Looking deeper into "Window.cpp" I noticed, that such a behavior seems to have been intended, while it definitely should have not. Thus I decided to make a small hack-fix. Of course, it may render some other code in the same file unnecessary, but is to SupSuper to decide.

Offtopic / Other games worthy of engine recreation
« on: May 16, 2010, 10:13:32 am »
I'm not a programmer myself, but there are some good old games that I dreamed somebody would have recreated an opensource engine for. X-COM series (EU and TFTD) are my primary concern, yet it seems that I'm kinda Microprose fanboy, so my other favorites are Master of Magic and Master of Orion 2 titles. Of course I would not dare to ask SupSuper to undertake such an endeavour, but it would be nice to know that there are people who share my passion for those old goodies  ;)

Programming / Compiling OpenXCOM on Mac OS X
« on: May 16, 2010, 12:49:01 am »
!!! WARNING !!!
This guide is effectively OBSOLETE and is not supported anymore. Please, use it for historical purposes only - to possibly get a better idea how the process works, but not for the actual compiling itself.
To succeed with you own build, follow the new guide instead -

After some fiddling with XCode on my native 64-bit Snow Leopard (10.6.3) I've finally succeeded in building the source. There were (and still are) some peculiarities though. So, how did I do that?
First of all, you need the prerequisites installed. Those would be:
* SDL.framework
* SDL_mixer.framework
* SDL_gfx.framework

You can fetch the first and second one here:

The problem, however, lies with SDL_gfx, for there is no official precompiled package - you have to create it yourself. However, if you find the process dull or intimidating - here is a precompiled latest version (SVN r45) built by me -

Also, after the r104 release of OpenXcom - it turned out that 64-bit support in most of those frameworks was kind of messed up, so I had to manually recompile them to get things working again. If you happen to stumble upon the same issues - here goes a bundle of everything you might need -
After you have finally got all three frameworks installed (presumably in /Library/Frameworks/) - create a new project in Xcode and select User Templates > Application > SDL Application. Name it "openxcom" (without quotes of course).
Now we have to configure access to SVN-repository so we can stay up to date with project's contributions.
Go to SCM > Configure SCM Repositories > + and enter a name (I chose "OpenXcom") and type (Subversion) for your new repo. Now the tricky part!!! Add THIS address to the URL field -
https: For some reason the URL given by SupSuper didn't quite work - showed an error.
Once the repo is set up, click SCM > Repositories > "newly added repo" and you should automatically connect to it. Click on "trunk" folder and then execute "Checkout" command from the toolbar. Save the "trunk" folder inside your project folder (that would be "openxcom").
Next, go to Project > Select Project Settings > General and click "Configure Roots & SCM". Under "Root" tab enter "trunk" (without quotes) and your repo will be suggested automatically. Ok.
Right-click on "openxcom" project tree in the left pane of main window and select Add > Existing Files > path to "openxcom" > trunk.

Ok, SVN is set and in sync, now you have to add yet missing frameworks to your project. Right-click on Frameworks > Linked Frameworks folder in the left pane and select Add > Existing Frameworks > SDL_mixer.framework and then follow the same procedure to import SDL_gfx.framework. Next, drag-n-copy those frameworks from "Linked Frameworks" to "Targets > openxcom > Copy Frameworks into .app bundle" to make the bundle self-sustainable.

Then, go to Project > Edit Project Settings > Build and make sure that in "Search Paths" section you have the following strings:
Corresponding to "Header Search Paths" you should add "$(HOME)/Library/Frameworks/SDL_mixer.framework/Headers", "/Library/Frameworks/SDL_mixer.framework/Headers", "$(HOME)/Library/Frameworks/SDL_gfx.framework/Headers", "/Library/Frameworks/SDL_gfx.framework/Headers".

One more thing  - go up the list in this tab, select "All Configurations" from the "Configuration" drop-down menu, and corresponding to "Base SDK" key choose "Mac OS X 10.6" value. This will make sure that your program will use the latest features provided by OS X. However, if you want your app to be reasonably backwards-compatible make sure to select earlier target value (my recommendation would be 10.5.) corresponding to "Mac OS X Deployment Target" key.

Now we want to make sure that the original game data we feed to this engine will be read from within the bundle's "Resources/DATA" folder, so our game is fully self-contained OSX-style. You have to edit "SDLMain.m" file (click on "Classes" folder in the left pane of you Xcode project window) as described here

Ok, now you can choose "Build" command from the menu and hopefully see everything compile without a hitch (due to many reasons your experience may vary, of course :)

Find your newly built app, open it (right click on it > Show Package Contents > Contents > Resources > DATA) and put the original UFO Defense data folder tree (I had the Windows version, but DOS data should work as well) there and you are done.

Now you can click on your app, and if everything was done right - you should experience some oldschool wonder. Enjoy! ;)

P.S. For those of you who have troubles with this setup - here is a precompiled binary (constantly updated), created by following the aforementioned step-by-step guide.
v. 0.1 (upd) (SVN r214) -

Open Feedback / Fullscreen?
« on: May 15, 2010, 11:51:43 am »
Hi, SupSuper!

To start with, thanks for all your efforts on this project - I believe it has a bright future ahead.

Secondly, OpenXCOM being a reimplementation of the original game, I have no choice but to wonder - will there be al least SOME improvements, besides correcting bugs? I'm especially interested in the possibility to run the game at different resolutions or at least in fullscreen (with or without advanced scaling). Right now, with my 24" monitor and game's 320x200 window it feels like playing GameBoy, not a desktop.
Do you plan to implement such an improvement in future?

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