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By what I've understood from zRrr's explanation, the workaround rather than a fix that you can implement is to add
Code: [Select]
        globalChance: 0
        globalChance: 0
to every single enviroEffects you've defined, under the environmentalConditions parameter, before or after the definition for STR_FRIENDLY.

With this said, I agree that this appears to be more an issue with how these effects are being handled and is not exclusive to this mod, but to any that uses enviroEffects. If the issue is as described, the workaround will work for your mod because you don't define any effects for those two factions and thus we can "disable" them without losing any of the mod's features.

As for what's happening, again based on zRrr's explanation and my understanding of it and the topic's title, is that when the last standing hostile unit dies from bleeding, probably from other DoT too, and environment effects are active, that part of the code will mark said unit as dead, but is not performing the part where a corpse item is generated nor is it dropping the unit's items to the ground effectively vanishing from the debriefing. If this is the case, this could happen with more than one unit, but rarely since they would all have to die on the same turn. When the game ends the mission without the environment effects it handles this last death properly by generating the corpse (or capture if it fell unconcious) and all of its equipment.
Version 1.0.4 released at Github and Nexusmods.

Change log:
* Fixed bug with South Atlantic terror sites
* Fixed bug with Falkland Island incorrect location
* Fixed bug with placing starting base in South America
* Fixed bug with missing STR_TERROR_MISSION_OUTPOST
* Fixed bug with Terror Site Port
OXCE Suggestions NEW / Re: [Suggestion] Sniper/Scoped rifle inverse accuracy
« Last post by Juku121 on June 02, 2024, 10:51:07 pm »
Sure, but a) that's what players like and b) unless you take away accuracy scaling via stats and thus remove sniper specialisation from soldiers, you're still going to end up with either good snaps, or useless snaps.

Your example is more of the latter. Snipers already tend to carry backup weapons that are better for close-range combat than their main gun. Thus this kind of snap shot doesn't really do much, although I'll grant you that it does look sorta realistic. There are sniper guns that lack a snap shot altogether, which is not too different from this.

I'm also not sure where you're pulling these numbers from. Range 20 snap shot should be 0.7*90 = 63 - 5*3 = 48. And no matter the calculation method, how can you have 66 at range 10 and 64 at range 15, when the dropoff is 3 and neither threshold (snapRange or AimMinDistance) is crossed?

Your sniper gun is also one with double snaps, which is one way these things can grow out of hand. And start enroaching on assault/semi-auto rifle territory.

Also, since your mod is likely not going to have vision ranges in excess of 40 or so - unless you want non-tiny maps to slow to a crawl. So the higher-range hit chances are going to be different, unless you either don't use the no-LoS penalty, or remove it from sniper weapons due to 'scoped'.

Also, what about auto-shots? Yes, there are automatic sniper rifles around, both IRL and in mods. :)

All in all, sure, the idea doesn't look too bad. But its 'realism' is somewhat debatable, and the end result can be approximated relatively well with current tools. But, again, it's not me you need to convince here.

And excessive feature-dipping by sniper rifles is one of my pet peeves, so it's not as if I like these super-snipers. But they did begin with good intentions.
Actually, this doesn't seem like a mod issue. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't see how I could fix it on my end... Maybe with stupidly extensive armour lists in enviro effects, but I can't say I understand the problem well.
OXCE Suggestions NEW / Re: [Suggestion] Sniper/Scoped rifle inverse accuracy
« Last post by Pendra37 on June 02, 2024, 10:06:54 pm »
Hm, you say the current sniper rifle implementation is kinda lacking. You end up with such OP monsters that the players use Snap shots because even those hit.   
Here is something that would not result such thing:
Aim: 110 Acc / 60% TU
Snap: 70 Acc / 40% TU

      RandomType: 7              # 50-200%
      ArmorEffectiveness: 0.8    # Armour only applies 80% of nominal value

AimMinDistance: 20
snapRange: 15
DropOff: 3
With a 90% Acc shooter, these will be the hit chances:

From 15 tiles on, the snap drops off (normal accuracy calc) and the aimed takes (inverse or minrange acuracy calc) over the hit chance.

DamageBonus none, you already have a huge Critical damage bonus rolled into the damageAlter.
OXCE Suggestions NEW / Re: [Suggestion] Craft size and Hangar capacity
« Last post by Juku121 on June 02, 2024, 09:51:16 pm »
I hardly think being unable to park cars in sub pens is 'excessive realism'. If you're so unconcerned about 'realism', just make your hangars 1x1 and with 'crafts: 10 000 000', boom, your original space problem is solved.

Goes for Pendra's universal paved-over sub-pens/crane harbours, too.

As to the rest, I'm trying to be not too confrontational these days, and I don't think the arguments here are conducive to that. So I'll just skip further conversation. Meridian will likely do as he said, anyway.

For the record, OXC has fixed the containment bug, and nowadays containment space is quite limited. 10 aliens total, not even different types, is the vanilla limit. Ethereal already told you about hangar capacity.

At least two people have already implemented hangar changes, one with sizes and one with types. The latter is available in BOXCE. Neither is nowhere near as simple as you two try to portray it, and Meridian has more potential problems to solve than either of the two, due to OXCE being the modding standard these days.
OXCE Suggestions NEW / Re: [Suggestion] spriteFacility for 2x2 facilities.
« Last post by Pendra37 on June 02, 2024, 09:27:47 pm »
You mean you want a facility that is over another facility? Like build a 1x1 Defence installation which has a 1x2 sprite that goes "over" the hangar? Not in functionality, just the looks. That is dealing with the Z order.
If I understand correctly, you want something like "always on top" tag to make the tagged facility sprites alway cover the normal, lower level facilities. Like how it happens in case of the hangars.
OXCE Suggestions NEW / Re: [Suggestion] Craft size and Hangar capacity
« Last post by Pendra37 on June 02, 2024, 09:12:18 pm »

XCom is a more or less realistic tactical game. Realistic planet, environment, weapons and situations. As realistic as the capabilities of the contemporary computers and style of game allow. Heck, if you replace the aliens with terrorists, you can call it Rainbow Six tactical.
The realism in the game even hurt the gameplay experience. Like soldier inventory management, buying mags and reloading the weapons manually, come on. XCOM'12 streamlined all the excess "realism" away.

Anyhow Type isn't all that hard to implement. If you want to buy a Craft Type 2, the can can interate through the facilities and check:
Can fit craft? Yes/No
Can fit Type 2? Yes/No
Does have enough free capacity? Yes/No

The game doesn't really care which craft is stored in which facility. Just like it doesn't care in which General Store you hold what item. You have free space for the craft at the time of purchase, you are good.

I know the Craft nr can be modified and I did that. I could fit 8 cars and that was cool. I could also fit 8 space dreadnoughts, which was a bit weird. That was the point I realized, a Craft size would be a good addition.
OXCE Suggestions NEW / Re: [Suggestion] Craft size and Hangar capacity
« Last post by Ethereal on June 02, 2024, 09:08:34 pm »
It is usually not the same because containment has either infinite space or some very high number, like 50. Hangars have neither of those stats. But I agree that if a single 2x2 hangar could hold 50 crafts, then this would be a non issue.

The capacity of the hangars is adjustable and, if desired, can be done like this:

Code: [Select]
 - type: STR_HANGAR
    crafts: 999
OXCE Suggestions NEW / Re: [Suggestion] Craft size and Hangar capacity
« Last post by Pendra37 on June 02, 2024, 08:53:50 pm »
A hangar is not just a space to fit vehicles, it's the in-game representation of the logistics network required to maintain that craft and its interception/transport missions. It very much makes sense that you cannot park your global car rental agreement in the sub pen.
Pave over? Put a metal sheet on the pen? Or how about making it fly? Or maybe put it onto the sea using cranes? So many options.

Except they don't. No matter if the alien is a tiny brainsucker or a giant sloth creature, they all take the exact same amount of containment 'space'. This is an example of type and size working in parallel, not together.

It is usually not the same because containment has either infinite space or some very high number, like 50. Hangars have neither of those stats. But I agree that if a single 2x2 hangar could hold 50 crafts, then this would be a non issue.
But nothing actually uses type and size together.
How about, I don't know, dead aliens? They have a Type ("CORPSES") AND a Size (0.4). Imagine if the stores worked like you said, no type and size. Muton corpse 1 space, pistol mag 1 space, Eleriumm crystal 1 space. Have fun fitting all the equipment and material into a single base...
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