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Messages - Countdown

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Not sure if this is a bug or not; it's happened to me several times. I save the game in battlescape and then immediately end my turn. A series of events happen on the alien's turn and then I immediately reload the game from the save point and end my turn again, but a different result happens than the initial time.

Now if I keep reloading, that saved game, the second event always happens, but it is different than what happened the first time before reloading. Why did the results change in the saved game?

As an example in a current game I have saved, an alien threw a grenade and killed one of my men. I reloaded the game because I wasn't paying attention talking to someone in the room and wanted to see where the grenade came from. Well upon reload, the grenade still got thrown, but my man didn't die. No matter how many times I reloaded, they kept living.

This is in the 1.0 version and the save scum option is turned off.

Troubleshooting / Re: Possible bug in projectile collision detection
« on: January 24, 2016, 05:58:43 am »
This has happened to me a few times as well in different places. Next time I'll save it. I just thought it was a "graphics" issue where it looked like it was hitting the alien, but not really hitting him. When it happened to me, it did very much look like it was going straight through the belly like in the photo above, except it was a Muton for me.

+1 for the version with dashes instead of dots. Much more pleasing to the eye.

Thanks for the replies. I sucked it up and didn't cheat, so will just buy back what I need and take less moving ahead.

Was even angrier though when I realized I lost 10 motion scanners at like 44,000 and 220 work hours a pop. I didn't realize those things were so steep.

Released Mods / Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« on: January 18, 2016, 07:00:46 pm »
Soldier diaries are now in the nightlies! Keep an eye out for bugs. :)

- TFTD compatible!
- Various string / UI changes
- Kill statistics now contain full unit name
- Mission statistics now contain marker name
- Various fixes

Old soldier stats should still work, but inconsistencies may arise.

Here's the new standalone Commendations mod (X-COM 1 only):

Sorry, I am new and not sure why this isn't working for me; this is my first time trying to add in a mod. I am using the milestone X-Com 1 download (not the latest Nightly).

On my Mod option screen I have the option for "Commendations" and I turn it to Yes and the game re-loads just fine. But nothing has changed. No stats, no medals after missions or a place to view available medals.

I pasted everything except the ruleset into the "Resources" folder. Am I missing something else?

Thanks for any help/advice. Loving what OXC is doing with this game. Played this once and while on my uncle's computer when I was kid, so just started playing again for the "nostalgia" factor, but then discovered it's one of those rare things that was actually way better than what you remembered/could appreciate when you were younger.

Hi all, so I'm pretty new to this game and this is my first post here. I'm wondering does this happen often and something I should be concerned about? A terror site mission ended in victory, and when I went to the "Not enough equipment to fully re-equip squad" screen I was missing a ton of stuff that I didn't even equip my soldiers with on this mission. It didn't make any sense, as it was a day mission (so no electro flares), I didn't use any grenades, didn't lose any soldiers or use any medi-kits, but I was missing over 100 pieces of equipment; even my spare mind probe.

At first I thought it was a game glitch or something, but going back to a couple points I saved at, I realized it disappeared during the mission. Turns out that when a cyberdisc got killed right near the skyhanger, it blew up all my equipment there.

I was pretty POd. I generally just leave a lot of my equipment in the skyhanger permanently (unless it's a mission I'm actually concerned I might not come back) and just equip my soldiers with what they need before starting. If I had ever considered that this stuff could be lost, I obviously wouldn't bother bringing a bunch of electro-flares to a day mission.

I thought about going into the save file and just editing it, but don't want to "cheat". I thought, "Well this is realistic, and if I bring stuff there is a chance I can lose it." I think I might only give myself back the things that I am just too lazy to re-load ever mission that I absolutely didn't need (like electro-flares), but take the hit on the stuff I bring "just in case", like the spare mind probe and amo.

What are the thoughts on this from the vets? Was this equipment loss a bit "unfair" (even coming from a game for a reputation for that)?

Thanks for any thoughts.

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