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XPZ Strategy/Tactics / The best place to shoot down enemies
« Last post by Delian on Today at 11:25:00 pm »
Sometimes, it's possible to choose where you down a shipping. This can be important because it allows you to avoid negative environments like hot and cold.

The terrain texture on the globe decides what kind of a map the ground battle takes place on. So a good idea is to either wait until a shipping is over a particular kind of texture, or possibly direct the shipping there.

I've attached an image which shows all the possible terrain textures, the ones on top are zoomed in, the ones on bottom are zoomed out. Underneath is a description and a chance of temperature-related environment effect. As you can see, if you down a shipping on the right terrain, you can be safe from having to bring gear to counter these environments.
Note that, even if you shoot down the shipping on a safe terrain, you can still get a bad roll and get a Nuke Zone map, which drains freshness unless your armor and plasma resists are high.

There are also further benefits. Some terrains can spawn rare magazines, even gold bars, but I'd argue the most rewarding are orchards with Apples. Terrains with a relatively good chance to get apples on are: The three Habitation terrains and Steppe, while Desert, Arid and Tropic have a small chance. Other terrains won't yield apples, but they have a small chance to spawn a crashed Necroplane, which would yield some Necroplane Parts. In terms of rewards, I think the best terrain is Medium Habitation, while the worst is Swamp.
OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« Last post by _Raven_ on Today at 09:39:32 pm »
One day I downloaded this mod and looked at who was adding what to their mods. Apparently an interesting mod, but I like light mods like FMP. To be honest, I have already made my choice, FMP suits me, it is easy to edit and I can easily edit its files.

I have only one problem, mods like FMP use a standard globe, it is impossible to use a hybrid globe for two reasons:
1) Third-party globes are not suitable, you need to create a new globe specifically for FMP (I don’t know how create a globe);
2) You can land in the ocean, while there is no function that can block this, turn individual regions of the globe into empty fields (fakeEmpty: true);
3) I’m not yet ready to turn FMP into a hybrid mod (it’s difficult to program everything correctly, and there are also no special functions yet that make it easier to create hybrid mods and prohibit UFO from invading TFTD).

I updated the textures of the hybrid globe (the ocean already looks good, the land also looks great by the way, you just need to change the id number on some fragments of the globe to change the texture), now from all this you can make a universal globe if the developers want it.

This globe can already be used in hybrid mods, you can give them my work if you want.
40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« Last post by bulletdesigner on Today at 08:12:39 pm »
The "flight" sound of Raptors is quite long. So if you are fighting them one hardly can hear shooting/moving sounds of other units, because the Jetpack sound is still playing.

you can do an easy fix , there ares 2 sound files (using and finish using) but the game can only use one, if you want replace the finish one for the using one by inserting a 2 ont jpack.wav on extrasprites_40k.rul can be done with a worddoc, i post screenshot for help
Work In Progress / Re: [WIP][MOD][OXCE] From the Apocalypse 0.29.0
« Last post by robin on Today at 06:51:59 pm »
new version up, 0.29.0.

Love to see you active, Robin. Your apocalypse stuff spread well across.
Everything is getting teared apart immediately after release. Sign of appreciation of you among most talented pixel artists and modders here
OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« Last post by Yankes on Today at 06:51:50 pm »
there is no possibility for `.sh` file, as this is BASH script not binary, OXCE can only be binary.
OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« Last post by mutantlord on Today at 06:34:36 pm »
OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« Last post by Slow on Today at 05:32:26 pm »
Can you add a .sh file extension to OpenXcomEx file? I wanna launch it through Steam, but it can't see it without .sh.
OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« Last post by _Raven_ on Today at 05:19:35 pm »
Yes, I am Russian.

I downloaded many different hybrid mods, but I never found a mod from Ethereal. In general, my goal is simply to improve the appearance of the globe in mods such as FMP and X-Files (I love visual updates), but for this I need a new globe (created from my texture for the FMP and X-Files mods) and new globe functions (so that I can was to block the playing fields of the ocean and return it to its original, empty state, only externally as in a hybrid mod, but not physically).

So I created a texture from the best fragments, with such a texture any globe will look great. I would like all the globes to be updated for this globe and this globe also needs to be changed a little so that it looks more realistic, like in the picture "NUG-2000.jpg".
I am attaching the files in the hope that you will be interested in updating the globe and that new functions of the globe will be added someday.

PS. I myself can’t figure out how to create my own globe and what program to do it with, maybe you could share such a program and show how to work with it?
From the Ashes / Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
« Last post by Finnik on Today at 05:00:12 pm »
Yes, it's is configured in rulesets. Look for vars.rul
From the Ashes / Re: Suggestions
« Last post by Finnik on Today at 04:57:49 pm »
Pls, describe the gameplay around it.
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