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Topics - Helmount

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Suggestions / Troop order in the assault craft
« on: July 16, 2014, 01:07:07 am »
One (among many) of the best things in OXcom is the ability to rearrange troops in the assault vehicle. Is there a keyboard shortcut I missed that will move a trooper to the top? Or the bottom for that matter. If not, can it be done? I want my rookies in front. Cannon fodder.

Playthroughs / Odd happenings
« on: July 11, 2014, 11:20:32 pm »
I started my first base in Europe and by mid month I had shot down and recovered one sectoid ship and managed an assault/terror mission? against some Men in Black.  A large UFO overflies my base heading East and my interceptors are able to track it to a landing in central Siberia. The Skyranger follows (I figure I'll give it a shot). We land in some kind of weird night-shaded mine or factory complex (a gulag?). The first fire team deploys around the ramp and the little scout-bot heads out for a look around. I hear lots of shooting and the screams of many civilians dying. On turn two the droid rounds a corner and comes face to face with an Ethereal! Everybody pops smoke and hauls ass back into the Skyranger. The speedy little bot even manages to scurry through the door and then we are jets-on and out of there headed for home. A -360 score.

What the heck! Ethereals on January 17th?

Work In Progress / Mod Pack Crashes
« on: July 03, 2014, 06:32:03 am »
First. Wow, just wow! The ModPack.
The game is crashing now, but if I can help, I'll be happy to do so. Are there dump files or config issues I can provide info on? The bit with the First Aid kit  on the battlescape has been noted elsewhere, and it is replicated here. I also have unexplained CTD from the geoscape, and I can't see any reason for it. I'll keep playing. Let me know if there is any info I can provide.

Open Feedback / Psionics and early soldiers, Mechanics of Psi Labs
« on: July 01, 2014, 01:48:22 am »
In the original I sweated through terror and recovery missions with psi-able aliens. Kill 'em all. I never understood the mechanics of psionics. Are soldiers in the skyranger still training in the lab if assigned there? Should I build psi-labs at my troop bases to take advantage of this? Or should I build a psi-training base with space for fifty down in Antarctica and commit them there. How ruthless should I be in hiring/firing? If I have a soldier with 9 missions and 15 kills who is able to carry a rocket launcher, a sidearm, and four heavy rockets but has a psi of 50, is he sacked? How about at 40, or 30? I already accept slightly lower stat standards for garrison troopers. Is it 'safe' to do so with psi? I haven't found answers to this in the guides and FAQs, but perhaps I have not looked through the appropriate FM. They seem to be questions for my S-1 or S-7 rather than my S-3.
Any light would be appreciated.

Work In Progress / Better penetrators
« on: June 23, 2014, 01:05:00 am »
I'm playing with the shotgun mod and I like the way that research can produce a new round for my alley sweeper. Has anyone done a mod to produce alien alloy AP penetrators for the heavy cannon and the auto-cannon? I generally use my auto-cannons to clear terrain, but with better ammunition, they could be used against those pesky cyberdiscs and maybe even sectopods.
Or would it require a new version of the auto-cannon?  I've seen the mini-gun mod, but have not played it.

Open Feedback / Thanks!
« on: June 23, 2014, 12:57:20 am »
I absolutely adore what you have done here! X-COM, CivIV, and SPWAW are the games that I revisit over and over.  Yeah, I buy/download/play new games, but those three always bring me back. Now I have a whole new Alien universe to explore. And it looks like the project is ongoing, despite the new version. It's hard to better a classic, but y'all have done so. Kudos!
P.S. Coin follows.

Offtopic / Personnel Transfer Exploit
« on: June 16, 2014, 05:37:12 am »
Hello all!
I have been trying some old tricks. I have noticed that saving just prior to months end, then reloading does not change funding changes. Good! If one transfers a bunch of scientists from one base to another during the month-end transition still remove their salaries from the budget?

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