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Messages - Lion66six

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Thanks mate. It appears when i preloaded episode 19 onto youtube it was set as public by mistake. I have since corrected it, but i noticed 2 views on it when i changed thr privacy setting.

If you have seen episode 19 then please dont post any spoilers etc until its officially released.

Thanks mate, plenty of interesting things to consider.

One thing to also mention is that the next mission has already been recorded. I did the recording about 5 days ago, so I can't implement anything you have mentioned. However, it will come in handy for later :-)

Two more episodes.

[LP]Hardmode Expansion [EP17] - As Yet Untitled -
[LP]Hardmode Expansion [EP18] - Boosh the America dream -

And then its a big episode :-)

Playthroughs / Re: Cerazor's Veteran LP
« on: October 10, 2016, 04:25:40 pm »
Another interesting and entertaining video :-)

I'm gutted I didn't get a promotion to Sarge there, I took 2 shots for the team and everything! I did think when the second hit came in, that was Lion66six dead :(

Pro-tip. You can equip your men in the base before you leave, that way you can make sure they have all the equipment they will need. I would also order a lot of spare equipment, otherwise you may be awaiting a fresh delivery of grenades when another mission becomes available. Just get 2 more general stores and then get a good chunk of rounds and grenades.

Anyway good video, thanks for recording and sharing.

Playthroughs / Re: Cerazor's Veteran LP
« on: October 10, 2016, 02:13:29 pm »
Great, i have lunch in a few hours. Will take a look then :-)

Good thinking, I will bare that in mind for future episodes. However already recorded ep17&18. Should be up soon :-)

This evenings feature is a triple helping! Something very significant happens in an upcoming episode, so releasing a few at a time this evening.

[LP]Hardmode Expansion [EP14] - Labship for a lobotomy? -
[LP]Hardmode Expansion [EP15] - How many days in Feb again? -
[LP]Hardmode Expansion [EP16] - Is all the drama done, nope! -

Work In Progress / Re: Ship idea / Cydonia pyramids
« on: October 07, 2016, 02:09:40 pm »
Hey that looks quite good, nice work.

I wonder about the bottom floor also having the yellow slopes, yet a metal floor. Could do quite a range of ships of different sizes etc.

Bring some Autocannons if you go against the floater one.
Icendiary grenades are a convinient way to take out cyberdiscs (explosion).
Flashbangs might also work.

Its a crazy one, I can tell you that much. You will just have to wait and see!

Also consider to put some Armor, at least on your scouts. The Alloy Vest is really good to begin with and cheap.
It does only have some restrictions, adding 2 weight and reducing stamina by 5 and increases survive chances somewhat.

I have 2 of these now, they will come in handy I expect!

Personal Armor was not changed and is the same as vanilla.
Power Suits grant you a big boost in weight you can carry (+10) and add stamina (+30), same for Flying Suits.
You need two Alien Engineers to unlock Powers Suits, see Research Tree.
There is also a lategame Versions called "Reinforced Power Suits", and "Reinforced Flying Suits".
They both have additional armor and grant +10 TU additionally to the weight reduction and stamina increase.
Normal Power/Flying Suits can be easily upgraded into reinforced versions.

I look forward to seeing these, in my original play through I got to power armour but nothing more.

Also you can neutralize the amount of engineers early on by letting them produce Motion scanners and build up a small production force.
Depending on your playstyle aiming for a dedicated production base could also be a option. Laser Cannon production helps greatly getting your finances in check.

I have plans for the USA base to become exactly that, and as a second strike base.

You were actually right to scrap the Interceptors, even thou keeping at least one with a Alloy Cannon and some Avalanches is handy to shoot down scouts. The Airgame changes greatly once you get Retaliators and Laser Cannons, enabling you to also target and shoot down Terrorships, but you need to group up at least 4 and might still loose one.

I got that view when they got owned in my original play through. I got the idea of 2 skyrangers from Meridian's Hawaii challenge lets play. Seems to work well.

Aim to get and protect some veterans at least a handfull you will need them  8) ;D

EDIT: I am looking forward to your first Snakeman Terror Mission, even thou be ready for Chryssalids getting some Elerium Rockets might be a livesafer. Did you attempt the base attack?

EDIT2: I am looking forward to the next episode :)

Started recording Episode 19 and maybe even 20 for the alien base attack, it should be a good one!

Work In Progress / Re: Ship idea / Cydonia pyramids
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:21:47 pm »
Thats an interesting idea, I could get onboard with that :-) Not a modder, but happy to do any beta testing!

I really recommend using the advanced option "Save Preprimed Grenades" for smoke grenades only.
You can then equip you scouts and other members of your team with preprimed smoke grenades on base in the inventory screen.

Thats awesome, I didn't know thats how it worked. I will be doing that :-)

Playthroughs / Re: Cerazor's Veteran LP
« on: October 06, 2016, 01:41:36 pm »
Great stuff, look forward to seeing them.

That was nice terrormission, even thou getting 9 men killed was harsh.
You made some grave errors, which led to deaths.

Replace all those Reapers with Cyberdiscs - the Horrors of a pure Sectoid Terror Mission

Yep not looking forward to Cyberdiscs .....

For the mistakes made, i can't remember them clearly since that recording was 2 weeks back. Was there particular ones that you think I could have avoided for future reference :)

Released Mods / Re: [SOLDIERS] Alien Hybrid Soldiers
« on: October 05, 2016, 02:51:58 pm »
Of course, it would be weird if your commanding officer started every meeting by licking everyone's hand and smelling their behinds...


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