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Messages - Aldorn

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 [50]
I am speaking about an improvement I noticed in UFO Extender : the possibility to build new facilities, without having to wait for previous one to be built.

I mean, in original game, it is not possible to build a facility if not connected to an existing one. In Ufo Extender, it is possible to put first a facility on a connected square (also with immediate effect of "building in progress"), and put a second facility next to it, which will be pending until first is built.

It is clearly not a really major improvment, but I find it user friendly, and useful in terms of budget management (In a custom version where money is scarce, this would be a way to reserv money for building purposes).

Suggestions / Experience and Promotion set as parameters in ruleset
« on: March 30, 2013, 03:42:42 am »

Before asking for my request, congratulations again for your amazing job on this remake.
20 years earlier, I could not imagine such a version could be released some day...
In fact, I wonder if you are not some Xcom agents that endly decided to exit virtual life to become living beings  ;)

So, go back to my suggestion...
As I have to learn a lot, before being able to make some adaptations myself, I wonder if it would be difficult/interesting/useful (useful for me, sure !) to set needed experience points (XP) and related promotion points (PP) as parameters in RuleSet
To be more accurate, I am speaking about BattleUnit::improveStat function, and about the fact to add 7 new parameters as described below
   double v = 4;                                                 => STR_PROMOTION_PP4 = 4
   if (exp < 3) v = 1;                                           => STR_PROMOTION_PP1 = 1 ; STR_PROMOTION_XP1 = 3
   if (exp < 6) v = 2;                                           => STR_PROMOTION_PP2 = 2 ; STR_PROMOTION_XP2 = 6
   if (exp < 10) v = 3;                                         => STR_PROMOTION_PP3 = 3 ; STR_PROMOTION_XP3 = 10
   return (int)(v/2.0 + RNG::generate(0.0, v));

I am thinking about how to provide this game more RPG aspects, and this would be helpful for me to reach this goal

Suggestions / Re: Make reapers walk through walls
« on: March 28, 2013, 10:23:47 pm »
you know how hard it was to get them to NOT walk through walls? sheesh.
Excellent ! ;D

Suggestions / Re: 'Undo' option?
« on: March 28, 2013, 09:57:30 pm »
You are right, I made a confusion as I am testing many releases
It is ok in V0.4.5 and battlepreviewpath too
I am confused   :-[

Suggestions / Re: 'Undo' option?
« on: March 28, 2013, 02:28:04 am »
I suppose it would be impossible to draw some tiles with different colors, since game is paletted, and only "lighting" level could be altered. But lighting is dynamic entity, so it would be kind of indestinctive from another, neighbor tiles with different lighting.

In any case, I won't vote for doubleclick walk.

I tried this in UFO Extender, and I can say I found doubleclick very comfortable

Open Feedback / Re: Missing items from Ruleset
« on: March 28, 2013, 02:20:19 am »
Personal Monthly Costs
Sorry I was wrong
I tried to change cost values and it works perfectly, as bying prices stay twice the amount of cost
i.e. I set Soldier Cost to 40K => Soldier cost is now 40K per month, and amount is now of 80K to buy a new one
Very good job !

Open Feedback / Re: Missing items from Ruleset
« on: March 16, 2013, 12:06:32 pm »
Hi men,
As new on this site, first is to congratulate all of mad people you are !
You just made an amazing job on one of better existing games : you are crazy, I love you.

Then, sorry for my bad english

So, If I would be allowed to give my advice on this topic:

Soldiers Stat Caps: would be very useful, I confirm it.
Another of my dreams would be to have possibility to limit Soldiers Stat Advancement, e.g. not more than x points, to be distributed following current rules - evolution would be to ask player to choose between some adequate Stat. But I read you have intention to make some devlopment on it in the future, so I will just wait for it.

Personnel Monthly Costs: would be very useful too, as it could prevent the tentation :
- to sell "bad" soldiers last day of month, then rebuy some new soldiers (with certainly better stats, as you sell yours worth newbies) and thus without any penalties
- to sell scientists and engineers last day of month to make some "financial optimization" or some "bad choices" without any penalties

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