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Messages - 0xEBJC

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Released Mods / Re: New Mod Portal!
« on: September 22, 2021, 02:27:58 am »
First I just want to say thank you to all of you that have worked hard at supporting this community. Thank you!

I'm just catching up on where things are at, so I apologize if I'm asking a question already asked or making a fool of myself due to ignorance.  I released the original Iron Man mod in 2014 and haven't been involved with the community until now due to mostly life, family, work, etc...

I've recently enjoyed playing X-Com again and seeing how the community has progressed.  I found the new site and have enjoyed the latest releases of mods.  I did see that someone else had re-uploaded my Iron Man mod (they also didn't claim credit for it) and I wasn't upset... I was gone from the community for 7 years so I understand. WOW, it really has been a long time.  Anyway I've done some fixes and updated the mod release.

I've been reading through the forms as much as I can to catch up and get familiar with current expectations and guidelines.  In my excitement to play again and re-post the Iron Man mod, I also looked up in the archives of the old mods a couple of mods that I enjoyed playing and found they weren't updated and needed fixing to run with OXCE.  I figured since I had to fix them to get them to work, that it would be nice to re-post them to the community (giving credit to the original author) for everyone to use.

I just read Hobbes post "Terrain Pack and Area 51 Announcement" and realized that I might have made a mistake in re-posting others mods.  I'll take any actions necessary to address anything not acceptable by the community or recommend.

This bring me to one question, I was reading this form and I realized it's been a couple of years now and many mods haven't been re-posted, is there any thoughts on uploading all the old mods, giving credit to the original authors and allowing them to take over the mod release if requested, and possibly going through and editing the latest versions released to align with the 2.0 format and do any beta testing to weed out crashes?


The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« on: September 22, 2021, 01:29:26 am »

lol, thanks! :)  To be hones't I've been around real firearms my whole life and had never heard the word "accurized" before. I should have googled it and not made any assumptions.

Well I got egg on my face for this one  :-\  I do apologize, and thanks for correcting me.  ;D

Released Mods / Re: Old Mod Portal Archive
« on: September 22, 2021, 01:02:30 am »

Do you know is there any effort to getting all the old mods re-posted on the new site?  Is there a correct way to re-post and give the original author the credit for the mod, just so the mods are put back in the active community?

I read Hobbes message "Terrain Pack and Area 51 Announcement" and would in no way want to take credit away from the original authors.  But I do realize there are probably many authors that are no longer active anymore.

I can easily open the old mod archives, and edit and rearrange the file structure to work with the current mod format for both OXC and OXCE, but I suspect there are many players that would want a working archive without any editing on their part.


OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: September 21, 2021, 11:18:46 pm »
Not sure if this this is intended or an issues, but the sell/sack screen has inconsistencies , middle or right clicking on items some times shows the ufopedia, sometimes shows the research tree and sometimes nothing even when the research is completed and has the ufopedia page accessible.

I would expected it would function the same as in the craft equip armament screen where middle right clicking would bring up the ufopedia.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« on: September 16, 2021, 11:17:44 pm »
Yes, it's for OXCE+. The file is distributed with the mod, just like Piratez.

Well then, waiting for reviews. 8)

X-Com Files is awesome! It's so much more than a mod, after playing just a little while, I'm probably not going back but considering this the defacto game! very good.  do you want reviews else where, like on

Much appreciated!

OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: September 16, 2021, 09:05:22 pm »
Yeah, sorry for the confusion.

This is early in the game progression of X-Com Files modpack, before blackops unlocked

Geoscape view
1.) UFO Detection
2.) Choose "Intercept"
3.) Choose "Public/Car"
4.) Public/Car is flying towards UFO
5.) UFO tracking lost
6.) At Menu "what to do with craft" - choose 'patrol'

Effect[1] 'public/car' yellow dot on geoscape immediately disappears.

7.) Immediately goto Base Menu
8.) Goto Equip Craft Menu
9.) 'public/car' shows 'ready' and is at the base

Expected[1] 'public/car' should be 'returning' and showing up as moving yellow dot on geoscape globe

10.) Later... another mission pops up on the geoscape view
11.) Choose intercept
12.) Choose public/car (the same one that disappeared earlier) (this will also be the very next time to choose this craft)

Effect[2]  'public/car' yellow dot immediate appears at the location on the globe where it disappeared, (not originating from the base location)

After that I didn't see this glitch again. and didn't think to post/comment on it until any save games around the time of the glitch were all overwritten with later in the game progression.


The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« on: September 16, 2021, 08:48:00 pm »
Solarius Scorch,

I read your comments about not having engineers in masses just for profit, and I understand your perspective.  I'm still playing through XCF for the 1st time.

Suggestion, if it hasn't been made yet.  What do you think of have some items that engineers make at the following graduated steps 60%, 80%, 100%, 120% so at 60% there is a 40% cost of the engineers monthly salary. where it would be tied to some game progress steps, say 'Promotion I" & "Promotion II", unlocking BlackOps, etc...

The idea would be that even at end game, 120% isn't a huge amount, but it at-least gives the engineers something to do when no other specific task is needed and they don't cost too much overhead in monthly costs.  I just unlocked blackOps and I think currently one of the grenades is the most profitable at about 50%, so still a lost in engineer overcost.

Another idea (This one probably needs a feature added to OXCE code)
some create items that have a profitable cost say at the lowest level - beginning of game engineers can produce a specific available item at a profit of 102%
then when either a specific #of items are produced or a game progression is met the defined item properties change and it becomes was less profitable.
This idea could propagate through the game as you get new things "novelty" they are more profitable, and either overtime when game progression milestones are met or too many items are produced the items sell value and profitability drops, like flooding the market, or last years i-phone isn't as desired as next years i-phone.

functionality that could make this work,
dynamic in-game rul file values, manufacture, item definitions could be changed updated or removed from availability (i.e. a new item is defined for the old one with different properties) so you would have to remove the item or actually change it's properties, just remove it from the list that enables its availability and add the new same item with different values.

Track the total number of items for a specific time manufactured, even when stopping and starting manufacturing of the same item or across different bases.

Another Idea would be to allow the sell/sack menu to have specific sellers, like to the public, to the UN/Funding Nations Governments, to the Cult factions, like you might be able to sell BlackOps or other specific/high interest/value items to the black marked arms dealers for a premium, but get docked score points...

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: September 16, 2021, 08:23:24 pm »
Suggestion on current version of the FMP v2.8g

I think a lot of the manufacturing costs should be looked at and considered some re balances.

For example many of the items that are created with alien alloys I think are imbalanced, for example:

Cost $12k, Alien Alloys: 3

Cost: $60, Alien Alloys: 2

I guess I'm thinking more realistically speaking but that a huge disparity because I would think 50 rounds on a military gatling cannon is more material then a single sword.

Also, I think that the AA_Cannon rounds was prices at $60 is because it cost $6.5k to produce 1x alien alloys, so in retrospect these two items cost likewise

I saw a lot of these inconsistencies, probably my OCD, and they may already be something you're considering in the future.

Thanks for listening.

Also, I'm totally hooked on X-Com Files, so pretty much will be running that game now, thinking that these suggestion would apply there also?


OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: September 16, 2021, 08:00:33 pm »
I'm guessing this is a problem with X-Com files, but maybe an underlining issue with OXCE.  I'm running v7.0 13 Mar 2021 and XCF v2.0.1 as of 6d ago.  I figure I'd post here instead of on github ticket since it doesn't look like that option is enabled. Posting on OXCE & on --> X-Com Files, not sure who would ultimately track this issue.

Caused By:
-- UFO detected --> Intercept with 'public car' --> UFO detection lost --> choose 'patrol'

-- public car immediately disappears from globe geoscape --> open up base menu, equip craft --> shows the craft is at the base currently --> next time an event comes up and choose intercept with same 'public car' --> it immediately appears at the location that it dispersal.

sorry I didn't have a save file for reproducing this.


OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: September 11, 2021, 04:43:36 pm »
Hey Yankes,

Just wondering if your YAML syntax for mod extensions supports starting base? 
Like the following

Code: [Select]
  facilities: !add
      x: 3
      y: 2


Code: [Select]
  items: !add

also, is it possible to update properties of items without rewriting the entire items properties like such

Code: [Select]
  - id: STR_LMG
    requires: !add
  - id: STR_LMG_CLIP
    requires: !add
    requires: !add

or not sure on this one either?

Code: [Select]
    tuAuto: 40
    tuSnap: 28
    tuAimed: 60
    autoShots: 6

I'm currently testing, but the starting base isn't working.


« on: September 07, 2021, 08:12:04 pm »
Not sure why but I'm still getting the "There is a problem with setting the application icon. Now using default icon." when running the trainer.  Your change log shows that you addressed this in update Version (16.03.2019).  I am running the latest Version (18.06.2021), on Windows 10.

Here another couple of Iron Man sprites that I'd like to eventually take the concept from and resize to fit in with the battlescape.

I'd like to change the yellow and red parts in the battlescape to match the ufopedia graphic color locations, then add a better helm that looks like Iron man's, and I was thinking of changing the hover graphic to look more like Iron man sprites that have one leg bent and animated rocket coming out of his feet (maybe get it from the hover tank animation implementation) like this graphic I found here:


Thanks for the interest... I know it looks fine, but I'm being a little bit of a perfectionist.


I'm working on an idea to incorporate an Iron Man suit into X-COM, here's my work in progress:


If anyone is willing to help with the battlescape sprites I would greatly appreciate the help and collaboration, I've tried downsizing sprites I've found online and photoshop does a terrible job of blending and keeping a good balance of the edges and details.  I've come to realize that I'll have to draw the images by hand at the resolution needed, but I'm no great artist.

I'm currently looking into the sprite and graphic tools on this site now.

Thanks for a great community,


I'm looking at making a new armour and I want to make have soldier stats improvement based on the number of missions the solder has been in, for example:


       firing: 5+STR_SOLDIER_MISSIONS

Looking for answers on two things. first, for the stat increases on items can it support an algebraic function vice a fix number and secondly I have no idea what the variable I would call to assign the # of missions in the calculation,  I'm starting to look over the source code, but I haven't found the answer yet.


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