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Messages - hellrazor

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 135
Hardmode Expansion - Quality of Life - Balancing and Bugfixes

Download Link: Hardmode Expansion - Quality of Life - Balancing and Bugfixes

I call this Quality Of Life because we fully arrived in the OXCE world now with Hardmode Expansion Mod.
I enabled a lot QOL features on the Battlescape and Geoscape. Some Screenshots see HERE
I also added a lot Graphics found nice GUI enhancement mods, which i deemed worthy to be absorbed.
The Ufopaedia good a boost, with images for all Tanks and Drones.

And of course i fixed some more bugs, some critical (game crash!). So please feel free to update.

I wanted to focus on missions and terrains but it was QOL first :D

I am looking forward to mix and match terrains with the OXCE possibilities.
Also I found a sprite of Chryssalid hatching from the ground. Now guess what this will become *evilgrin*

I will now focus on Terrain first an then Missions. For real! (I will have to reinstall my desktop computer for this, so please be patient this takes ages for me todo.)

And there is now a Wiki!
Wiki (Automatically generated from github): Hardmode Expansion Wiki - trigramreactor
(Big Thanks to noblebright from Discord, which set this one up for me)

I hope you all have a great summer, I am looking forward for further feedbacks, critique points and curses and praises.
I will keep the vanilla theme of this as it is. Added Graphics and better GUI some more features will not change that whatsoever!
Please help translating the Mod, if you can and if you want.

Further development of the mod will follow, since I am planning to add some stuff. See: Future Development Plan

Modfile also attached towards this post: Hardmode Expansion v0.99.9.5 Not possible at the Moment, the Forum is giving me a bug.

If you wanna help translate, the mod is on Transifex

Please use newest OXCE Version, or at least OXCE Version: OXCE 7.12

Future Development Plan
Credit List


 - Fix Game Crash due to Mission invocation
 - Fix UFO waterlanding possibilities
 - Fix Heavy Plasma Manufacture unlock error
 - Fix Wrong Deathsound for all Female Civilians
 - Fix Typos for Weaponlists
 - Fix Typos in extraSprites
 - Fix Position of Magadan City
 - Fix Missing BT_PSIAMP for Psi Panic and Mind Control Commendations
 - Fix Background for some Drone/AlloyDrones Sprites
 - Fix not working Cancel on Infiltration and Base building Alien Base
 - Adjust all Shotguns to behave like proper Ones
 - Add Fire Extinguisher Item
 - Add Armed Civilian to Terrorsites
 - Add Army Soldiers to Military Bases
 - Add TerrainHint DayNightIndicator
 - Add Stun, Burn and Bleeding Indicators for Battlescape
 - Add Avatars and TinyRanks for Battlescape
 - Add OXCE Armor Preview for Craft Equip Screen
 - Add OXCE Tank/Drone Preview for Craft Equip Screen
 - Add SoldierNames and SoldierCountryFlags
 - Add Inventory images for all Civilians
 - Add Inventory images for all Aliens
 - Add Inventory images for all Tanks
 - Add Ufopaedia images for all Tanks
 - Add Ufopaedia images for all Drones
 - Add Enhanced GUI Buttons and Backgrounds
 - Add Final Version of the Commendation sprite provided by cevaralien
 - Add higher salaries for officers (10% increase per rank compare to base salary)

Some Screenshot from the Quality Of Live stuff and some UserInterface enhancements I found or made myself and added.

Of course we also have Avatars now and I added a lot of Inventory Pictures for the Right Click Preview in OXCE.
I am still missing those for all Drones sadly.
There are some Bugs which I fixed which were pretty servere.

Oh and btw I got a new Wiki: (Big Thanks to: noblebright fropm Discord)

New Release comes soon!

Sample Y-script below and attached:


      - offset: 12
        code: |
          var int temp;

          geoscape_game.difficultyLevel temp;  # get difficulty
          if eq temp DIFF_SUPERHUMAN;
            item_rule.getTag temp Tag.HELLRAZOR_SUPERHUMAN_SELL_PRICE;  # custom item sell price
            if neq temp 0;
              set cost_current temp;

          return cost_current;

  - type: STR_RIFLE
  - type: STR_RIFLE_CLIP

Thanks for the example. I think i can work with the example you provided and play around with it until I get my desired result.

The Polish Notation is kinda hard to read btw, if you are not used to it.

I am more used to stuff like this

Code: [Select]
void init (int elem[], int nelems)
int i;

for (i=0; i < nelems; i++)
elem[i] = i;

Basic info about script is available here:

For functionality, yes, you can return arbitrary price, this mean disable default scaling, add custom scalling is possible too.
Scripts hooks itself expose:

`cost_current` -> current cost, after difficulty coefficient and possible change by other scripts hooks
`cost_base` -> original cost from item ruleset
`difficualty_coefficient` -> difficulty multiplier,

to have always control over default behavior.


I see I make typo in `difficualty_coefficient`, I probaby soon push new version that will fix it as there is not lot of mods that depend on this.

Thanks but: is not really understandable for me.
User Perspective vs Programmer perspective I guess.

This should be available in OXCE 7.12.6

Code: [Select]
      - offset: 12
        code: |
          var ptr Time t;
          geoscape_game.getTime t;
          t.getDaysPastEpoch cost_current;
          mod cost_current 100;
          add cost_current 100;
          return cost_current;
This is very dumb version that set all items cost to values from 100 to 200 based on current day.

Thanks. Is it possible to define the price reduction effect, for only a specific list of items (defined via strings in the script), and sell price reduction is then handled depending on difficultylevel, via a defined percentage?

Is there any description or help in regard of scripting parameters and valid syntax??

We have agreed with Yankes to skip this solution... and introduce Y-scripting for sell-prices (and later for buy-prices) directly instead.

Once implemented, I will paste a sample Y-script for hellrazor here.

Looking forward towards this ;) Thank you both for all the hard work.

Thanks mate for moving this over to here :)

Hardmode Expansion - Support Hoverdrones - Balancing and Bugfixes

Download Link: Hardmode Expansion - Support Hoverdrones - Balancing and Bugfixes

"Oh, Lord source, savier of my grace, forgive me my wrong doings on myself and others. I shall serve you until I fully see your light, which holds the truth about love, wisdom and kindness. So that I may be enlightened, to enlighten others for myself and for your name." - Hellrazor

I finally added the Support Hoverdrones and also fixed some bugs, which where found in the meantime.
The main game core is now complete and balanced. There is one exceptio thou; I am still waiting for a OXCE feature to make the economy also balanced for lower diffculty settings.
Once this happens I can basically officially name this "Hardmode Expansion - UFO Long War" or something like this ;)
I will now focus on Terrain first an then Missions.
Further development of the mod will follow, since I am planning to add some stuff. See: Future Development Plan

The Research Tree has seen a significant overhaul mainly to balance, advanced tanks and drones now need live alien captures for being researchable.
See here: Research Tree Graphic

Modfile also attached towards this post: Hardmode Expansion v0.99.9.4

If you wanna help translate, the mod is on Transifex

Please use newest OXCE Version, or at least OCXE Version: OXCE 7.9.8

Future Development Plan
Credit List


 - Fix Infiltration base prevention, if Battleship Attack successful
 - Fix Alloy Drone Taser Sprite Background
 - Fix Alloy Drone Scout Weapon Range
 - Fix Hovertank Smokeweapon Clipsize
 - Fix SellPrice for Alloy Cannon Craftweapon
 - Fix BuyPrice Drone Scout
 - Fix Infiltration UFO's attempting to land on water point sites
 - Fix Plasma Weapons needing both clips being researched for manufacture
 - Adjust UFO air/landed score
 - Adjust Enhanced Power Armor Bonuses
 - Add Taser Pistol Elerium Clip Animations
 - Add support Hoverdrones for X-Com
 - Add direct fire smoke acts as fire extinguisher (Smoke Grenades don't)

I finally came around to finish the Support Hoverdrones.

I hope they will find very useful for players :)

See some Pictures Attached

Released Mods / Re: [OXCE][Compilation] Area 51 submods
« on: March 13, 2024, 06:19:39 pm »
Hi Hobbes,

Can I have permission to absorb my own implementation of the into Hardmode Expansion?
I will give proper Credit of course!

hellrazor, I completely agree, but it would be better if such a modifier for the sale and purchase price, depending on the difficulty level, was a property of the item itself. That is, there is a global modifier “sellPriceCoefficient”, and there is an individual modifier in the item itself. Plus "buyPriceCoefficient".

As long as I can set it up so only a selections of Items gets the "sellPriceCoefficient", I would not mind this solution either.

It would really help to make the economy in Hardmode Expansion more balanced for lower difficulties and the Mod can move on to become basically something like the Long War Mod for Nucom, just for the Original game :)


I was trying to use the current implentation of sellPriceCoefficient and I was running into the exact same problem as stated here:
sellPriceCoefficient :

I like the idea of selling loot at higher levels for less money.  :D
It is a serious design bug of OXC, that higher levels get more and better loot at the beginning of the game and so have an easier economic start than the beginner levels do.

But I calculated this sellPriceCoefficient for popular manufacturing goods, like STR_PWT_CANNON and STR_GAUSS_CANNON or even STR_PARTICLE_DISTURBANCE_SENSOR in TFTD. Most of the sell price is production cost (workers, building, material). If the sell price changes 10% up or down, the effect is enormous.

Maybe that problem could be solved with something like
  sellPriceCoefficient: 100
  sellPriceFixed: true  #default false
written to the item to overwrite/deactivate the global sellPriceCoefficient settings for selling this item. Then manufacturing for money could be the same for all difficulty levels.

And this could be useful for Items with a price fixed by the story, too. If the artifact text says "this jewelring is worth 777$", this should probably not change depending on difficulty level.

I can adjust the Sellprices but this largely effects the manufacturing money making machine I balanced the economy in Hardmode Expansion around.

May I suggest to add a nested list, of Items to which the sellPriceCoefficient should be applied to?
Code: [Select]
sellPriceCoefficient: [100, 85, 70, 60, 50]

All other Items would still have their fixed price, and if the list is empty (as by default), then the sellPriceCoefficient would be applied to all available items.

This would this awesome feature for me exactly the thing I need to balance the economy in Hardmode Expansion for lower diffciulty levels (my goal is to enable players to also enjoy lower diffciculties, in case they wanna do so.)
I basically only want to have the sellPriceCoefficient effect collectable loot from aliens.

Hope this is going to be heared, you guys are awesome :)

Hardmode Expansion / Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
« on: March 07, 2024, 06:45:12 pm »
Not strictly a bug but i came here to report it as a bug and when gathering screenshots I saw the issue, so wanted to let you know. The research tree is not up to date. The latest research tree doesn't show that live Cyberdisk is required for Hovertanks and Hovertanks are required for Elerium Bomb Launcher

Did you find the Research Tree Graphic on the ufopaedia page? (The ufopaedia Wiki is totally out of date and I alone have not the resources/time to update everything, I am more focused on making my mod).
Because it is from Version 0.99.9 which is totally outdated.

The newest one can be found here:

Hardmode Expansion / Re: Hardmode Expansion - Bugreports
« on: August 06, 2023, 09:15:06 pm »
Please use:

Hardmode Expansion v0.99.9.3

Should fix this issue.

Hardmode Expansion - First fully OXCE Tuned Release - Balancing and Bugfixes - Alien Base Operations

Download Link: Hardmode Expansion - First fully OXCE Tuned Release - Balancing and Bugfixes - Alien Base Operations

"Oh, Lord source, savier of my grace, forgive me my wrong doings on myself and others. I shall serve you until I fully see your light, which holds the truth about love, wisdom and kindness. So that I may be enlightened, to enlighten others for myself and for your name." - Hellrazor

This first fully OXCE Tuned Release, from Hardmode Expansion NO more support for good OXC, unfortunately.
Enjoy the new mechanics, more in future ;)

I got hammered with five snakeman terrorsites within three ingame days, I probably only got unlucky, too many bases on globe ;)

The Research has seen a little overhaul mainly to balance, advanced tanks now need live alien captures to researchable. Research Tree Graphic got some good Overhaul.

Modfile also attached towards this post: Hardmode Expansion v0.99.9.3

If you wanna help translate, the mod is on Transifex

Please use newest OXCE Version, or at least OCXE Version: OXCE 7.9.8

Current ToDo List
Credit List


 - Research tree Overwork so everything fits better
 - Fix Bug for Mod not loading on OXCE 7.7.x+
 - Fix Plasma Blade not being available in lategame to player
 - Fix Mars Terrain Height (4 -> 8)
 - Fix globe texture asignment, which prevented Terrorsites from spawning properly
 - Fix missing Adv. Medikit Dependency
 - Fix PLasma Pistol/Rifle Clip sell prices
 - Fix Walkertank/Laser upgrade pricing
 - Rebalance lategame enemy PSI DEF
 - Rebalance X-Com early armors and damage modifiers
 - Rebalance Damage Modifiers for Tanks/Alloy Drones
 - Rebalance Psi Amps to use Stamina additionally to Time Units for Psi Panic and Mind Control
 - Adjust Raceweights for more Snakemen
 - Adjust Terror Occurance and Scoring
 - Adjust Spitter Zombies to be more dangerous
 - Adjust Avenger Soldier spawn to match THUNDER
 - Adjust Meleeweapons, more attacks possible
 - Adjust Alien Alloy Ammo for konventional Pistols, Rifles and Shotguns
 - Adjust Alloy Drones Research being available after Data Slate
 - Adjust Taser Pistol Clip sizes
 - Add Alien Proxy Grenade (Alien Grenade conversion for X-Com)
 - Add more randomness to Alien Mission starts
 - Add Alien Base execute Missions (Terror, Harvest, Abduction, Base), No Scouts
 - Add more Upgrade Options to X-Com Tanks
 - Add Upgrade Option for Medikts
 - Add Smoke Launcher to all Tanks (free ammo)
 - Add Walkertank/Laser (Sectopod converted)
 - Add Split Alloy Drone/Medikit -> Alloy Drone/Adv. Medikit
 - Add Elerium Powered Stun Rod
 - Add Taser Pistol Elerium Clip
 - Add additional construction cost for X-Com base modules, which require Alien tech research
 - Add more recommendedUserOptions for inital Startup
 - Add Superhuman as default and only Difficulty
 - Add Forcing of Vanilla (OXC) Soldier experience gaining
 - Refactor Drone Smoke (ammo is free now)
 - Disable Bug Hunt mode (Non vanilla behaviour)
 - Disable LINERSHIP Terrain until Map allows for Craftspawn

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