138. A patrolling team noticed a UFO. Either a medium scout or a fighter. And I don't think fighters appear this early.

139. Somewhere over former Yugoslavia, I think.

140. It's going to be a night mission. When I tried to wait, the UFO left at midnight.

I found electro-flares the best way to light the battlescape. In this mod they activate on impact. (By the way, they need to be first activated before the battle or on the battlefield.) Against aliens it doesn't matter if the agents are lit — they can see in the dark quite well. Flashlights are too heavy to throw far, and aliens start shooting far beyond the range of flashlights. Some players suggested lighting the scenery with flare guns, but I haven't discovered one yet.
141. A farm. Great. A lot of obstacles to negate aliens' range of sight and precision. Still, there are plenty of dreadful open fields.

The car is brightly lit by flashlights. If I wanted to start the mission in the dark, I would've left them at the base.
142. This is how it looks. A 5x5 map with a medium scout.

144. I started with throwing flares. Each agent can throw 3 flares per turn if he picks them from his belt. After that agents were shot several times from the bottom floor and the roof of the top (NW?) building and bottom-left (South?). And psionic attacks on Skjolsvold. (Does that mean he's weaker?) On subsequent turn both agents got killed before they could hide. Repeatedly. Ergo — start over at turn 1.

148. Turn 2. After some trial and error the agents have found a safe place. Barely — if Skjolsvold ended previous turn any closer to windows, he got panicked. Now, the question is: how long will this place stay safe? Should they try to spread more light?

151. Turn 4. Skjolsvold had to hide deeper in the stable, or else he got panicked at the end of turn 3. Which means most flares were thrown by Okoth. Unfortunately, his throwing range is much shorter.

153. Turn 5. The telepath got Skjolsvold again and I had to move him still deeper. Meanwhile Okoth noticed a patrolling Sectoid.

156. At 43% precision Okoth managed to hit the Sectoid twice. There's no bleeding — probably the shots only weakened the force field. Another his shot broke open a convenient entrance to the nearby house. Now, Skjolsvold can neither see nor shoot the alien — looks like his height is just right for the fence to block his line of sight and line of fire. The screenshot can't show it, but the 2 brighter sections of the fence are actually blinking, indicating they are the obstacle.