Facilities can be built over existing facilties (buildOverFacilities). Is it possible to reduce cost of the new facility (or refund cost of the old facility) to simulate "upgrading" facilities (i.e. upgrading from level 1 to level 2 costs less than building a new level 2 facility)? It is possible to refund money using refundValue, but this applies for dismantling in general, not only for building over an existing facility.
Additonal question (though I am not sure if this belongs here or under help):
How exactely is weapon position on units defined in regards to shot trajectory? Are terrain slopes acurately represented on the battlescape?
Case in point, I just got shot at by an alien unit (gazer) which I presume should have been occluded by terrain (the weapon, at least):

(last image is the position I got shot at)
Where exacately are weapons located on units?