Reaver's RebalanceLatest version: 0.9.0This mod makes several minor changes across the game, primarily increasing or decreasing the power of various things in order to bring them into balance. No new items or graphics are added. I've got another mod (Reaver's Faithful) which adds a lot more content while still remaining faithful to the original feel of the game. This mod is even more faithful to that original feel as it changes almost nothing about the way the game feels. This mod is dedicated to those of you who want to bring back that old nostalgia but with better game balance.
Changes include:
* Weapon damage/accuracy/TU cost adjusted
* Pistols greatly buffed, Heavy Laser buffed, Heavy Plasma made more powerful/cumbersome
* Heavy/Auto Cannon AP buffed, HE nerfed
* Grenade and High Explosive buffed
* Motion Scanner and Mind Probe take less TUs to use
* Alien TUs increased. Aliens will be more mobile and will seek you out more.
* Alien reactions decreased. High starting reactions on your soldiers (50-60) is now high enough to feel a difference.
* All difficulties have a different alien armor multiplier, thus making a larger difference in difficulty. Superhuman has +50% armor on aliens.
* Mind Probes continue to spawn on scout crews into the late game
* Plasma Pistols and Plasma Rifles do not disappear completely from deployments
* Power Suit and Flying Suit given +10 TUs and Strength to match what the UFOPedia says about them
* Some alien resistances/weaknesses adjusted either for their size or to match UFOPedia
* Incendiary does more damage, now viable as a weapon (it ignores armor)
* Firestorm/Lightning now twice as fuel-efficient (range/speed unaffected)
* Buffed Stingray, Fusion Ball, Laser Cannon; nerfed Plasma Beam -- Cannon left untouched. It's too awful, I can't fix it!
* Buffed General Stores, Small Radar, Missile/Laser Defense
* Inventory pistol slots! Leg slots made vertical. Shoulder slots still horizontal.
* Laser Cannon profit bug fixed - they are still profitable to make but profit is more comparable to other laser weapons
* Soldiers start with 40-80 psi strength. Max is lower but range is much smaller.
* Research changes:
- - Laser Weapons immediately unlocks Laser Pistol
- - You can do either Power Suit or Flying Suit first
- - You can do either Firestorm or Lightning first
This mod is designed to work without UFOExtender Accuracy, meaning the aimed shots have much higher base accuracy than snap shots rather than relying on range to make the difference. It'll work just fine with UFOExtender Accuracy if you prefer to play that way.
If you don't like any of the changes, you can simply edit them yourself or delete the corresponding section of the mod ruleset to restore it to vanilla values. Alternatively you can tell me about it here and suggest changes.
-- EDIT by Meridian, resized the image