If anyone would like to use TFTD-like pedia articles in UFO, it's now possible in OXCE+.
v2018-03-30 or above:
1. unhardcoded palettes and colors (per article type)
2. support for INFO button (stats for nerds)
3. suppport for completely new palettes
Planned (soon):
4. support for custom palettes per article (maybe, low prio)
5. support for UFO article types in TFTD
I am attaching a sample mod with 1 example for each of the 8 types of articles:
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=6166.0;attach=36839The sample has:
1. craft type, PAL_UFOPAEDIA, Avenger
2. craft weapon type, PAL_BATTLEPEDIA, Fusion Ball
3. vehicle type, PAL_BATTLEPEDIA, Hovertank -- this is different from vanilla, where HWPs used PAL_UFOPAEDIA (without images)... PAL_BATTLEPEDIA will allow sharing graphics between pedia and inventory
4. item type, PAL_BATTLEPEDIA, Heavy Cannon
5. armor type, PAL_BATTLEPEDIA, Power Suit
6. base facility type, PAL_BASESCAPE, Fusion Defenses
7. generic image type, PAL_UFOPAEDIA, Muton
8. UFO type, PAL_GEOSCAPE, Harvester