Author Topic: [DONE] [Suggestion] Get country back after they sign a pact with aliens  (Read 22681 times)

Offline mark617

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First of all, thank you to everyone who has spent time working on Open Xcom.

I am playing TFTD. I have just a few issues that bother me.

1) I don't like the stat caps of soldiers, and would prefer them all at 100. So, two questions: first of all, it seems all I need to do is change the stat caps in the soldiers.rul file, is this correct? Second, are there any unforeseen consequences I may not be considering?

2) DPL waypoints just feels cheap. Is this done by simply editing in the items.rul file line under DPL ammo Waypoints: 9 to Waypoints: false?

3) There is the ability to remove Psionics from the game as a mod, and I like this, but I would prefer to keep the MC Reader as a usable item. How can I do this but keep everything else out of the game?

4) Is there a mod I may not know about or an easy way to add doors opposite their current location in the Triton and Leviathan (Hammerhead South direction as sole exit is fine)? One set of doors feels cheap when you end up on the right side of the map. What kind of navigator have I employed? I would simply like a double door on the right side of crafts in addition to the current / original placement (so, two 2-tile doors).

5) I know this is against the spirit of the game, and excellent authors like Meridian have stated why they don't like it. I do not want any fancy missions added or anything else, but is there a way to add a parameter that if a nation leaves funding, I can get them back the next month by eliminating all bases within their region? They can start at 0 funding or their minimum, money is not the issue, I am just OCD about my success and I do not want to beat the game. I just want to play and play because I simply enjoy killing aliens!

If infiltration missions didn't eventually have the 100% pact sign aspect regardless of destroying UFOs I would not care, as it would be in my hands, but it is annoying to lose countries even when I do things perfectly. I don't need any fancy text or anything even telling me they have rejoined. Whatever would be the most minimal way to add this function would be awesome, if possible.

Again, thanks to everyone who spends time on this project. It is appreciated!
« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 08:05:54 pm by Meridian »

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Couple Basic Questions
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2018, 08:01:08 pm »
1.) That's correct, and the only unforeseen consequence I can think of is that they'll hit the caps sooner. Min and max stats set the range at which they arrive when hired, stat caps are the highest they can get--or rather they can get very slightly higher if they collect extra EXP in the final mission in which they hit the cap.

2.) Edit it to Waypoints: 0. You can see information such as this in the ruleset reference. It doesn't say it in this specific case, but if you look at other things in the reference, you start to get a feel for how it works.

3.) You can set all aliens molecular skill to 0, then remove the MC-Lab and MC-Disruptor from the research tree either by using the delete command or giving the prerequisites that make them impossible to complete. Whichever you choose, you must also remove all of the times that MC-Lab is unlocked by researching a MC alien.

4.) You have to edit the tileset and map, and you might need some drawing skills or copy+pasting skills. More info in this thread.

5.) I have discussed this with Meridian, Warboy, and others, and put in my opinion that it should be possible for modders to change this. I don't think Warboy is going to cave on this one, and I don't think Meridian will be willing to try and figure it out. Probably if we want it to happen, we will need to find someone who can at least figure out how to do it and explain it in terms a programmer can understand.

Offline Meridian

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Re: Couple Basic Questions
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2018, 08:21:48 pm »
5) I don't think there is anything to "figure out"... it can quite easily be implemented exactly as mark617 described... I just said I was not interested in such a feature, that's all.

Give me one more vote and I'll put it on the todo list :P

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Couple Basic Questions
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2018, 11:11:33 pm »
5) I don't think there is anything to "figure out"... it can quite easily be implemented exactly as mark617 described... I just said I was not interested in such a feature, that's all.

Give me one more vote and I'll put it on the todo list :P

Then you can have my vote. :)

I don't care about this feature in vanilla, or any of the mods I play... But it would be useful for new projects and ideas.

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Couple Basic Questions
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2018, 01:14:56 am »
I feel similarly. Any nice feature is something I want to be in openxcom, even if I'm not going to use it. But in this case, I do plan to use it, though I'd be more interested in being able to make infiltration missions fail before they succeed. But I'll take what I can get.

Offline Meridian

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I feel similarly. Any nice feature is something I want to be in openxcom, even if I'm not going to use it. But in this case, I do plan to use it...


Global variable:
Code: [Select]
allowCountriesToCancelAlienPact: true

If you destroy the alien base that caused a pact, you will get the country back... at the end of the month... unless aliens manage to infiltrate it again in the meantime :P

...though I'd be more interested in being able to make infiltration missions fail before they succeed.

Also done today.
More info:,6456.msg100411.html#msg100411

Offline Ethereal

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If you destroy the alien base that caused a pact, you will get the country back... at the end of the month... unless aliens manage to infiltrate it again in the meantime :P

And technically, what would it look like? The base will be somehow different from the usual? I understand that can assign anything to "siteType:", but I'm just curious.

Offline Meridian

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And technically, what would it look like? The base will be somehow different from the usual? I understand that can assign anything to "siteType:", but I'm just curious.

I didn't change anything in the base... it's the same base that always spawned when infiltration was done.

Offline Ethereal

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I didn't change anything in the base... it's the same base that always spawned when infiltration was done.

I mean, there could be multiple bases in the zone. If they are, say, 3, then the destruction of one of them return country, or have all 3 to destroy?

Offline Meridian

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I mean, there could be multiple bases in the zone. If they are, say, 3, then the destruction of one of them return country, or have all 3 to destroy?

Each infiltration base makes a pact with exactly 1 country when it is spawned.
This country is remembered.
When the base is later destroyed, that remembered country is liberated.
Other bases don't have any effect.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2018, 08:59:56 pm by Meridian »

Offline Ethereal

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Each infiltration base makes a pact with exactly 1 country when it is spawned.
This country is remembered.
When the base is later destroyed, that remembered country is liberated.
Other bases don't have any effect.

Understood. Thank you!

Offline LouisdeFuines

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Do I have to turn that feature in the options on?

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Do I have to turn that feature in the options on?
You have to add the line:
Code: [Select]
allowCountriesToCancelAlienPact: trueinto the vars section of the mod.

Offline LouisdeFuines

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You have to add the line:
Code: [Select]
allowCountriesToCancelAlienPact: trueinto the vars section of the mod.
Excue me, but what is a "vars-section"?

Could you just tell me the name of the file, that must be worked with an the position, where the line hast to be pasted into?

@Meridian, couldn`t this be implemented as an advanced option to the game?
« Last Edit: July 30, 2018, 06:16:41 pm by LouisdeFuines »

Online Yankes

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This is for moders who can balance game around this.