Author Topic: [DONE] [Suggestion] Neo's wishlist  (Read 13394 times)

Offline Meridian

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[DONE] [Suggestion] Neo's wishlist
« on: August 10, 2017, 09:42:56 pm »
Split into separate thread.

Meridian, maybe you like some new features I was thinking about and can add them to OXCE+.

1. Definable sounds for events on geoscape. Would be nice to add a sound effect on UFO detection like in the intro cutscene "Warning, warning... UFO detected!".
Play definable sounds for events which may be nice to have:
- UFO detected
- Research complete
- Production complete (workshop and facilities separate)
- Goods have arrived
- Mission event alert, like terror missions (be able to give every different mission type its own sound would be cool)

Most could be achieved through custom vars like "Event_SFX_UFO: 154" and missions get something like "BriefingAlertSound: 155" in alienDeployments.
undefined = feature deactivated/unused

2. Some menu backgrounds are still not moddable via ruleset and you need to replace original graphics files. And it always bothers me that the HWP ufopedia background can not be customised. I would really like to make proper backgrounds for every tank, my doggies and other units. Adding  "image_id: SOMEHWPBACKGROUND_CPAL.SPK" support for this kind of pedia entries (type 3) would be cool.

3. Is there a hidden option to disable the "move base facilities around" feature? I like nearly everything in OXCE and OXCE+, but this is to cheaty for me. Moving underground facilities without costs or time consumption around is not very realistic and make proper base planing redundant. I think a user option for this feature, like the tech-tree viewer got, would be good (if there isn't already one).

4. The mission briefing music play most of the time only for 2-4 seconds until you hit OK. This is a little sad, especially with custom music. Would be cool if the briefing music would continue playing until you have equip your soldiers and start the mission. As optional feature of course.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2018, 02:58:55 pm by Meridian »

Offline Meridian

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2017, 11:11:18 pm »
1. Definable sounds for events on geoscape. Would be nice to add a sound effect on UFO detection like in the intro cutscene "Warning, warning... UFO detected!".

Sounds can be defined in extraSounds, for GEO.CAT, for example:

Code: [Select]
  - type: GEO.CAT
      20: Resources/Sounds/Scuba_Bubble.wav

Play definable sounds for events which may be nice to have:
- UFO detected
- Research complete
- Production complete (workshop and facilities separate)
- Goods have arrived
- Mission event alert, like terror missions (be able to give every different mission type its own sound would be cool)

All of these correspond to a screen popup, so instead of coding each separately, I just included them into interface ruleset.

Code: [Select]
  - type: UFOInfo # UFO detected
    sound: 20
  - type: geoResearchComplete # Research complete
    sound: 20
  - type: geoManufactureComplete # Production complete (and all other things announced on the same screen)
    sound: 20
  - type: itemsArriving # Goods have arrived
    sound: 20
  - type: terrorSite # Mission detected (any mission... if you want only selected, use alienDeployment.alertSound)
    sound: 20

Caveat #1:
Some (not many) screens use the same interface code (e.g. research completed GUI and research required GUI and new research possible GUI).
I will split the interface ruleset so that each screen has a unique interface code in the relatively near future (Q3-Q4 2017), but even now many are unique and can be used.
Exact table what GUI is mapped to what interface code will be listed in the post below.

Caveat #2:
Some (not many) screens are used to do multiple things (e.g. manufacture completed and facility completed)... they will play the same sound.
It's either that or I have to change each class in the whole openxcom code base... so it's that.

- Mission event alert, like terror missions (be able to give every different mission type its own sound would be cool)

Most could be achieved through custom vars like "Event_SFX_UFO: 154" and missions get something like "BriefingAlertSound: 155" in alienDeployments.
undefined = feature deactivated/unused

If you want different sound for different missions, you can use the alienDeployment ruleset.
Works only for MissionDetected GUI, example:

Code: [Select]
    alertBackground: BACK03.SCR
    alertSound: 20
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 07:08:50 pm by Meridian »

Offline Meridian

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2017, 11:11:31 pm »
(reserved... for mapping between screen names and interface codes from "interface.rul")

EDIT: new mapping after making most codes unique attached as PDF
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 07:10:35 pm by Meridian »

Offline Meridian

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2017, 02:22:38 pm »
2. Some menu backgrounds are still not moddable via ruleset and you need to replace original graphics files. And it always bothers me that the HWP ufopedia background can not be customised. I would really like to make proper backgrounds for every tank, my doggies and other units. Adding  "image_id: SOMEHWPBACKGROUND_CPAL.SPK" support for this kind of pedia entries (type 3) would be cool.

Added "image_id".
Supports custom palettes too.

However it looks overcrowded and I think using article type 7 would be a better idea.

Code: [Select]
    type_id: 3
    image_id: UP004.SPK # skyranger background (image_id supports OXCE+ custom palettes)
    weapon: STR_CANNON

Offline Meridian

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2017, 02:27:57 pm »
3. Is there a hidden option to disable the "move base facilities around" feature? I like nearly everything in OXCE and OXCE+, but this is to cheaty for me. Moving underground facilities without costs or time consumption around is not very realistic and make proper base planing redundant. I think a user option for this feature, like the tech-tree viewer got, would be good (if there isn't already one).

Code: [Select]
theMostUselessOptionEver: 0 # moving enabled (default)
theMostUselessOptionEver: 1 # moving disabled for ironman only
theMostUselessOptionEver: 2 # moving disabled
theBiggestRipOffEver: 0 # you don't pay for moving (default)
theBiggestRipOffEver: 1000000 # you get ripped off for moving (i.e. you pay the defined sum for each move)

Offline Meridian

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2017, 03:06:43 pm »
4. The mission briefing music play most of the time only for 2-4 seconds until you hit OK. This is a little sad, especially with custom music. Would be cool if the briefing music would continue playing until you have equip your soldiers and start the mission. As optional feature of course.

Added user option.

Code: [Select]
  - type: en-US
      STR_PLAY_BRIEFING_MUSIC_DURING_EQUIPMENT: "Play Briefing music longer"
      STR_PLAY_BRIEFING_MUSIC_DURING_EQUIPMENT_DESC: "Briefing music will continue playing during equipment phase until the Battlescape is displayed."

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2017, 08:13:52 pm »
Longer briefing music is something I actually really like! Thanks!

Offline Meridian

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2017, 07:14:49 pm »
Caveat #1:
Some (not many) screens use the same interface code (e.g. research completed GUI and research required GUI and new research possible GUI).

I will split the interface ruleset so that each screen has a unique interface code in the relatively near future (Q3-Q4 2017), but even now many are unique and can be used.

I have now made the interface codes mostly unique... hopefully all you need.
See attached.

Codes highlighted in green are unique... yellow codes are not unique, but either irrelevant or acceptable IMO.

Offline Neo23

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2017, 11:36:31 pm »
You are truly amazing. Awesome work as always, Meridian. Thank you, Yankes and the OXCom staff so much for all your support. Thanks to you guys the great original games live on and are better than ever. I really love X-Com and modding.
I see you even changed your mind about moving base facilities around. With the new cost money option, I even think of using this feature instead of just deactivate it.
Are the new features available at the next OXCE+ update or already in current release? (I guess next release, because of the patch notes not mentioning this features yet.)

Again, thank you very much and keep up the good work!

P.S. How is TFTD text color support going? Eagerly waiting to use OXCE+ for this game and my TFTD-Remastered Mod too. No rush, just asking about your schedule.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 11:40:42 pm by Neo23 »

Offline Meridian

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2017, 10:31:02 pm »
P.S. How is TFTD text color support going? Eagerly waiting to use OXCE+ for this game and my TFTD-Remastered Mod too. No rush, just asking about your schedule.

Newest download on the usual place.

Offline Neo23

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2017, 12:05:07 am »
I am quite happy with the new version, but there seems to be a problem. After updating and translating / implementing some of the new features, I encountered some random crashes.

I've done several test plays, every time a new game, but three times now the game crashes on clicking the OK button just before starting a mission on geoscape (arrived at landing/crash site and about to enter the briefing). This happened two times in UFO and one time in TFTD. It is not easy reproducible and complete random.
After some more tests on quick battle I can confirm the crash on quick battles too. Most of the time the briefing and map loaded just fine, but only sometimes the crash occur. Same map, same ships, same aliens, same soldiers and same equipment for every test. Game localisation is set to de.

I have the new "longer briefing music" feature active and use OGG music files for all tracks. After the first crash I turned it off and everything worked again, but it worked too after turning the feature back on again. Because of this random behavior I can not say for sure it is this feature causing the problem, but seems to be briefing related.

This is the error log:
Code: [Select]
[18-08-2017_22-00-34] [INFO] Data folder is:
[18-08-2017_22-00-34] [INFO] Data search is:
[18-08-2017_22-00-34] [INFO] - C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\OpenXcom\
[18-08-2017_22-00-34] [INFO] - C:\Games\UFOs\UFO2_Remastered
[18-08-2017_22-00-34] [INFO] - C:\Games\UFOs\UFO2_Remastered
[18-08-2017_22-00-34] [INFO] User folder is: C:\Games\UFOs\UFO2_Remastered\user\
[18-08-2017_22-00-34] [INFO] Config folder is: C:\Games\UFOs\UFO2_Remastered\user\
[18-08-2017_22-00-34] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[18-08-2017_22-00-34] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[18-08-2017_22-00-34] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[18-08-2017_22-00-34] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[18-08-2017_22-00-34] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1920x1080x32...
[18-08-2017_22-00-35] [INFO] Display set to 1920x1080x32.
[18-08-2017_22-00-35] [INFO] Loading data...
[18-08-2017_22-00-35] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[18-08-2017_22-00-35] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\Games\UFOs\UFO2_Remastered\user\mods'...
[18-08-2017_22-00-35] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[18-08-2017_22-00-36] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[18-08-2017_22-00-37] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[18-08-2017_22-00-37] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[18-08-2017_22-00-44] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[18-08-2017_22-00-44] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[18-08-2017_22-00-44] [INFO] Loading language...
[18-08-2017_22-00-44] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[18-08-2017_22-00-44] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[18-08-2017_22-00-44] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 200 frames
[18-08-2017_22-00-47] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[18-08-2017_22-00-47] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[18-08-2017_22-02-15] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1920x1080x32...
[18-08-2017_22-02-15] [INFO] Display set to 1920x1080x32.
[18-08-2017_22-02-26] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1920x1080x32...
[18-08-2017_22-02-26] [INFO] Display set to 1920x1080x32.
[18-08-2017_22-05-46] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[18-08-2017_22-08-06] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.

The error states I am missing some resources, but I changed nothing and added no new content to both mods (UFO and TFTD) except updated commendations to the new format, but these seem to be working so far. Just updated OXCE+ (installed everything to all mods, so no missing data files). They worked both for years and I played several times through them, but this never happened before. Can this be some rare case scenario with the new longer briefing music code?

Maybe you can investigate if there is something wrong in the code. Thanks for your time.

Edit: I build a complete vanilla test environment with only OXCE+ 3.9a and the longer briefing music option enabled / disabled. Random crashes are there too. Seems to be OXCE+ has some error somewhere. Happens more often on the TFTD "Atlantis" map for testing.
Although even without longer briefing music enabled, but feeling less frequent. Well, random is random. I hope you can find something. I am out of ideas.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2017, 12:38:40 am by Neo23 »

Offline Meridian

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2017, 11:09:00 am »
Game localisation is set to de.

How can you have de localisation? OXCE+ contains only en-US and en-GB... that alone tells me you have mixed OXCE+ data files with something else... or that the game is searching in a different directory.

Also, can you attach a screenshot what these three directories contain?

Code: [Select]

Offline Neo23

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2017, 05:08:25 pm »
How can you have de localisation?
I've added new strings after each update to my personal translation. For vanilla strings I use the regular OXC translations + some modified ones. I am a bit worried that OXCE+ do not support multiple languages anymore? I really loved the 100% vanilla compatibility to OXC until now.

that alone tells me you have mixed OXCE+ data files with something else...
Every new update I copied the new version to my last version and just override everything to update. So there is indeed some OXC stuff in there (like the translation files).
Mod file and ruleset structures are up to date with the nightlies so that was never a problem until now. I've even integrated the new commendations code from scratch and translated the strings again, because of the new changes.
I am testing this now with only the latest OXCE+ and US localisation without mods to be sure. Although mods do not seem to be the problem. As I wrote in my edit in previous post, the random crash even occur without mods.

Edit: OK, tested using the new OXCE+ 3.9a in a blank new folder without older extended or OXC parts, no mods and just copied the needed X-Com data files over. Language is set to US. Started directly via the EXE.
My very first quick battle test crashed the game like before. Second try (same map and settings) I could run 6 quick battles without issues and the seventh test crashed the game again. So this must be something with OXCE+ or my original game data, but I never had this problem before and this happend in both UFO and TFTD.

Also, can you attach a screenshot what these three directories contain?
Sure, screenshot attached.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2017, 05:35:45 pm by Neo23 »

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2017, 06:16:44 pm »
I am a bit worried that OXCE+ do not support multiple languages anymore?

It still supports multiple languages as before, nothing changed there.

I was just worried you have mixed the two sets of data files (vanilla and oxce+). But if you only intentionally cherry-picked the needed files, that's OK.

I have one more crash report from Discord, it looks like there's something wrong with the download package I released last time... don't know yet what exactly, but I'll look into it soon.

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Re: Neo's wishlist
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2017, 02:09:33 pm »
Edit: I build a complete vanilla test environment with only OXCE+ 3.9a and the longer briefing music option enabled / disabled. Random crashes are there too. Seems to be OXCE+ has some error somewhere. Happens more often on the TFTD "Atlantis" map for testing.
Although even without longer briefing music enabled, but feeling less frequent. Well, random is random. I hope you can find something. I am out of ideas.

(It was crashing when power source exploded and hit an alien... null pointer exception when translating messages for hit log)