I spent a while thinking of supernatural/horrific events which could be linked to the various factions' wrongdoings, and found more than I thought.
This can be helpful to get ideas for dossiers of specific, fictive people linked to these phenomenons :
* as perpetrators
* as subjects
* as investigators, as an isolate case (wrong place, wrong time) or sworn enemy
So far I've found:
- experiments on human mind power
- mind control (by subliminal messages, hypnosis...)
- surgical implants
- eugenics (ex: Crimson Rivers)
- (strange creatures already have their own missions)
- research on teleportation (and its critical failures: The fly, Doom)
- horror surgery (don't overdo it...)
- factions showing interest in ancient books, alchemy, magical objects, places (Stonehenge, Easter island)
- photographed souls, ghosts
- portents, predictions (Weirdos getting ready to survive an alien invasion, lol)
- curses, people suffering from unknown diseases, spontaneous combustion
- reports of witchcraft or satanism
- possession and mystical trances
- nature acting unnaturally (bees mass movements, Hitchcock's
The birds)
- creepy people (ex: children of Village of the Damned, It)
- unidentified objects in the sky
- alien abduction
- archeological evidences, ancient aliens
- suspiciously high-tech stuff that we can't use or understand, it's always unnerving (ex: Demolition man's "three shells"

- alien infiltrators, dopplegängers