Meridian, thank you for such a gift! And if all goes well, the players will also get a Christmas present in the form of revamped armour mechanics. 
I guess we should start pestering Yankes for help right now... 
Well, enjoy. I just hope you know what you're doing.
This is partially done already, this is question of when I add script in interesting places. Closest thing I plan to add is script weapon damage and defense, but this will be after nightly merge.
Yeah, the word
interesting is the key here.
I've looked at it too and I could add some properties to items quite easily. Some not so easily.
Also, there's a question of when should stats update... immediately after equipping? ...or next turn? ...or just once per battle?
Imagine, there is a "Ring of Life" item, which increases you HP pool:
1. your current and max HP is 60
2. equip the ring (+100), your current and max HP is now 160
3. someone shoots at you, your current HP goes down to 80 (max HP still 160)
4. take off the ring (current HP = max HP = 60)... effectively getting rid of 80 lost HP
5. goto 1
Anyway, I could add items which affect:
a/ soldier basic stats (TU, stamina, accuracy, etc.)
b/ armor basic stats (front, left, etc.)
c/ new visibility effects (all those new OXCE+ armor flags: day/night, camo, predator, heat vision, psi vision, etc.)
Everything else (e.g. jetpack, resistances, immunities, ...) would be more difficult.