Ok, played through some missions in a new campaign and this really is one new XCom experience. I will try not to post any spoilers.
1. Loved the new enemies
2. The new faces are interestingly totally rocking my XCom world, I always expect to see the usual ones and all of a sudden there is someone I have never seen before!

3. The starting transportation idea is nice

4. Ufopaedia pics/entries are good, do you have a tool that converts pictures into the XCom pallette files? I so want one...
5. Of course (hey, it's an alpha) there were some things not there yet or missing. I am not sure if I report those things yet?
Oh well, I'll do it anyway

Remember that I KNOW that those are minor alpha problems.
2. The HQ facility has no ufopaedia
3. The weapons/equipment is totally unsorted, gasp!

4. There were too many missions happening at the same time (4 or 5!)

5. The Mudranger has no Ufopedia entry at the start even though you can buy it
6. Which leads to a nasty surprise when you launch it with a squad (range)

7. TU costs are too high, It seems you are using the high XPiratez inventory costs, which I loath

Really I mean picking up a corpse takes me 20 TUs? Please reconsider!

8. Daylight indicator mod is missing

9. Toxi Suit has wrong Ufopedia pic (yeah i know, alpha)
10. Melee starting stats for rookies are too low. I had several persons with ~20, making anything melee useless. And yes I know, use the GYm etc.

A tip: Disable the Sneaky AI setting, the starting enemies are mostly melee and will suffer from that option.
Otoh, if you don't like being surrounded by enemies in a dark forest at night....

Nice work, looking forward to playing it!