Not sure it it's a random requests thread, so feel free to move this.

Since we have a parody of
Star Wars, we absolutely cannot ignore
Star Trek. (Also because SW fans on average seem to have a higher melee stat. Ba-dum-tsss.)
Anyway, The Academy was allowed to have a small wing of space-capable vessels for scientific purposes. They have no interstellar capability and so are usually active within the Solar System, searching for rare minerals, physical phenomena and general trouble.
The ships are, surprisingly, manned by Osiron. These missions are five years long (well, the system is big and they use ion engines, lol). Very few Sorceresses are willing to spend so much time away from politics, tormenting Beastmen and proper baths, so they're a minority and generally not (officially) in charge.
This would obviously be a space attack scenario, but we could also send this ship normally across the map, claiming it does some sort of manoeuvres before/after going into deep space. Hell, someone even made the Enterprise map long ago.
If this ship is interceptible (is there such a word?), then it should have a powerful, but very slow and inaccurate weapon, as well as little HP for its size but with decent shield (DR).
What's inside?
People in Standard Nonresistant Academy Fleet Uniforms. In short, SNAFUs. (Has to be drawn, but should be trivial.) No armour.
1. The Captain.
Use the karateka head, it'll look good on the red SNAFU. Has obscene stats, but still no armour. Usually carries an iGun. There's also a chance for a Tommygun with some really nasty ammo. Can actually say some advanced things about the Star Gods and their Empire, though I have no idea what exactly.
2. The Commander.
The most average normal guy in the ship, so everyone's bloody scared of him. Carries a high-end rifle (plasma rifle? Reticulan plasma rifle?). Has a manly beard which will certainly be fun to draw.
3. The Doctor.
What do you get if you take a Provost and change her armour to SNAFU? That's right, she's the Doctor. Well, except for psi; nobody would send talented psionics to loiter in the Solar System for years on end, sorting pink rocks and trying to secretly steer their crewmates' love lives out of boredom. Anyway, she should have a Dart Pistol to defend herself. Yeah, it sucks to be her.
4. The Science Officer.
But some psions can into space after all! This is basically an Esper with geekier clothes and loose hair (still has glowing green eyes and all). Her psi is obviously a problem to the player, she also tends to use wacky equipment (up to Microwave Cooker).
5. The Security Officer.
A half-naked Uber guy who only wears SNAFU pants (the upper part won't fit). The only one to carry around a heavy weapon, so he's quite maniacal about its firepower (some high-end guns, for example Plasma Blaster; no Microwave Cooker though, it's too so-phi-stee-kated). When captured, he won't talk, but the girls will like him!
6. The Token Alien.
A catgirl wearing SNAFU. Otherwise very catgirly in the traditional way, with katanas and everything. When captured, is just a normal catgirl too, which I think is telling about her species.
7. The Token Robot.
Not sure about the sprite (which means I have no idea where to get it from), but it's as dangerous as it is annoying. Only melee attacks. Immune to stun, explodes on death.
8. The Helpless Masses.
There to die in droves. Wearing SNAFUs, armed with various mid-level weapons like laser pistols. When captured, they tell engineering stuff and can be enslaved.