One thing I've been thinking about for a while is a brand new website design. It's been long enough that I think the project deserves something that looks like a proper game website, instead of just... a WordPress blog. The current design is really bland and ugly, doesn't convey the game, and the information is spread all over in the menu and sidebar and links and ugh. Terrible. It horrifies the usability-nerd in me.

Here is a concept I've sketched up... yeah now you know why I didn't do a remake with new graphics.

But the idea is to give it a more X-Com look, with the menu looking like the Geoscape sidebar, the content boxes (with news and etc.) looking like the X-Com message boxes, much more appealing look and proper logo. You look at it and think "wow this is so X-Com".
The layout would be wider and more flexible to give more room to the content like screenshots and Youtube gameplay. All OpenXcom-related links would be merged into one menu, with the third-party links (other X-Com projects, etc.) left at the bottom of the sidebar. I'd redesign the pages to be more useful and varied instead of just looking like text walls too.
So, feel free to post your thoughts on this sketch idea, or if you got other ideas of what you'd like to see on a new OpenXcom website.