There's place for about 4 (maybe 5) columns, what would you like to see?
My idea would be:
Column 1: UFO name (e.g. UFO-123)
Column 2: Size (e.g. Small)
Column 3: Altitude (e.g. Very Low)
Column 4: Speed (e.g. 1500)
Exactly, I was thinking going for the standard four: SIZE, ALTITUDE, HEADING & SPEED as displayed on a normal radar scan would be the most logical way to go. Any more information (CRAFT TYPE, RACE, MISSION, ZONE) would be the domain of Hyper-Wave which would make no sense since you wouldn't have that technology to begin with.

Also, I would include more objects than just flying UFOs, I'd add at least:
1. landing sites
2. crash sites
... and maybe also:
3. maybe terror missions?
4. maybe alien bases?
5. maybe alien artifact sites and similar?
Definitely! Anything currently under detection. This would also be useful to keep track of alien bases around the globe.
Clicking on a row in this table would close the dialog and open the same dialog as you would get when clicking on the object in the geoscape.
Right, which would mean Hyper-Wave scan would come up when available.
Alternatively, right-clicking could bring up UFO/site window and left-clicking could simply center you on the object in question.

PS: there is no more place for a button for this dialog, so it would be opened using a hotkey... any preference for a default hotkey? "U" is already taken for Ufopedia ;-)
Precisely, so I was thinking "O" (for open/overview?) since it's right next to "I" for intercept.
EDIT: one more useful information I can think of would be if the UFO is targeted by any Xcom craft... but it would be difficult to display, since you can target UFO by as many craft as you want, and that would not fit on the screen ;-) Maybe craft name if there is only 1 and text "multiple" or "none" otherwise?
No need, just keep it nice and simple.