Author Topic: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts  (Read 17429 times)


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[WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« on: August 30, 2015, 09:03:48 pm »
Hello  :)

In this thread i'll post some weapon graphics i made myself, usually with GIMP. Before starting to read: my resources will be relased always as freeware, just give credit if you want to use it, no need to ask for permission. Lastly, i massively encourage to use and modify these graphic for your pirposes since i'll probably never learn how to make a proper and functional mod, due to time and will lacking :, (

Enjoy the thread!

Let's start with an IMI Uzi, relized with GIMP and saved as .gif, hope palette won't be screwed up! Used yrizoud's [WEAPON] Machine pistol as model for the ruleset, handobs and magazine.

I  also wrote ufopedia entries, don't know if it will work because there may be some errors. Oh, should compatible with any nightly. Language provided: en-GB, en-US and, of course it-IT. It needs testers because as it is now it should not work  >:(

Edit: updated to 0.2

- firing sound added
- slightly modified handobs and floorhobs

Edit 2: typos
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 02:38:45 pm by niculinux »


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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 10:08:04 am »
Another concept, beretta M12, the officila machine pistol used by the national police force, widely known and uset not only in Itali as many may think, along with its magazine :)

Edit: slightly modify the smg. Olny bigobs made so far, needs the rest  :-\
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 11:36:41 am by niculinux »


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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2015, 05:59:34 pm »
Also realized some time ago here some modified clips for the clips for laser weapons mod! Here are is an updated version for use with nightlies, i also slightly modified the heavy laser one, the mod come with his own ruleset, still the handobs need to  be made.

Edit: updated to 0.2, lightly modified heavy laser clip. Only bigobs and ruleset file  made so far, needs the rest.  :'(
« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 01:32:29 pm by niculinux »

Offline hellrazor

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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2015, 09:52:42 am »
Did you already made FloorOb's for them?
Once you got FloorOb's, creating HandOb's is basically c&p with such small objects.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2015, 02:21:30 pm »
Did you already made FloorOb's for them?
Once you got FloorOb's, creating HandOb's is basically c&p with such small objects.

My floorobs look different from my handobs, because my floorobs are rotated by 45 degrees (so that they are resting on the side, which is epsecially important for rifles and the like). But that's me. :P

Offline hellrazor

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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2015, 02:34:25 pm »
My floorobs look different from my handobs, because my floorobs are rotated by 45 degrees (so that they are resting on the side, which is epsecially important for rifles and the like). But that's me. :P

Well bigger objects should use, the 45 degree angle stuff you mentioned.
But with small stuff like clips and grenades it wouldn't matter that much.

Arrgh... my perfectionism is taking over again..
Redo Mode engaged....
Result: Redo all FloorOb sprites in 45 degree angle for all small object...

Solarius what have you done :P


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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2015, 12:05:03 pm »
Updated the modified laser clips to 0.2, slighlty modified the heavy laser one, and added italian language :)

Did you already made FloorOb's for them?
Once you got FloorOb's, creating HandOb's is basically c&p with such small objects.

Well, i really do not know how to do that :( but maybe someone may start a youtube channel dedicated to openxcom modding then???

edit: underline added! :D
« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 12:12:11 pm by niculinux »

Offline hellrazor

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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2015, 12:19:44 pm »
Updated the modified laser clips to 0.2, slighlty modified the heavy laser one, and added italian language :)

Well, i really do not know how to do that :( but maybe someone may start a youtube channel dedicated to openxcom modding then???

edit: underline added! :D

Uhh making FloorOb's is actually easy, you can take  look at some simple FloorOb's/HandOb's i made myself here.

See it as a inspiration :>

I use a combination of GIMP and Graf2x when working on sprites and reapplying palettes and such.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 12:26:44 pm by hellrazor »


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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2015, 12:49:48 pm »
Uhh making FloorOb's is actually easy, you can take  look at some simple FloorOb's/HandOb's i made myself here.

See it as a inspiration :>

I use a combination of GIMP and Graf2x when working on sprites and reapplying palettes and such.

Thanks, but as for Graf2x no .deb package? AAARGGHH :D Well, need to have an in-dept conversation on IRC maybe, since still i can't get it (!!!)

Inthe meantime, updated uzi to 0.2, modified the handobs and the floorhobs, while the ones for the clips still missing, on the other hand added a firing sound, but all of this stuff needs to be implemented in the ruleset!!! :,(

Offline yrizoud

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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2015, 02:17:44 pm »
It's grafx2, not graf2x.
The Debian packages are very old, though - I released Grafx2 v2.4 in 2012!

Offline hellrazor

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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2015, 02:31:19 pm »
Thanks, but as for Graf2x no .deb package? AAARGGHH :D Well, need to have an in-dept conversation on IRC maybe, since still i can't get it (!!!)

Inthe meantime, updated uzi to 0.2, modified the handobs and the floorhobs, while the ones for the clips still missing, on the other hand added a firing sound, but all of this stuff needs to be implemented in the ruleset!!! :,(

If you are using ubunt or a ubuntu derivate destribution, you can simply install Graf2x:
sudo apt-get install grafx2

on the bash / commandline
or use Synaptic. No need for a specific Debian package and installing by hand.
Ubuntu pulls in Version: 2.3-1.1 But that is the internal Ubuntu Version number, but it is working flawlessly for me.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 02:33:03 pm by hellrazor »


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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2015, 02:52:56 pm »
Lil' update: just made some kind of blunderbuss, modifying Dioxine's musket in extended piratez, hopefully someone may want to use and even it?

Edit: small update to bigob
« Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 01:31:40 am by niculinux »


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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2016, 08:57:00 am »
Here's some more to celebrate new 2016!

An SMG made by modifying Hobbes' alloy shotgun in UFo redux, with its clip, and and an assault rifle inspired to the Fabrique Nationale - Fusil Automatique Léger ;)

Edit: some updates, little more brigther

Edit 2: added floorobs

« Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 07:01:23 pm by niculinux »


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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2016, 09:20:06 am »
And now some sort of alien rifle! It is supposed to be also used as shoulder mounted for sniping purposes, the clip (power cell) is inserted upwards, hope you may like it, and even use, it's a start :)

Edit: updated the rifle

Edit 2: messed several times, seems a shark, shark rilfe!??! :D
« Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 07:07:10 pm by niculinux »


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Re: [WEAPON][RESOURCES] niculinux weapon sprites attempts
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2017, 11:23:33 am »
Just a quick, and peraphs last dust off to this thread, here comes my version of "disruptor", courtesy of new_civilian permission.

Edit: sorry i couldn't resist to modify alternative heavy machine gun form Bloax so i added some kind of butt, and a (hopefully nice) bipod  8)

Grab the attachments and have fun  ;D

Edit: in 2017 the main forum was rearranged, time to move this thread in the proper resource forum? Whatever, thanks!
« Last Edit: November 14, 2017, 11:36:36 am by niculinux »