Author Topic: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N10 24-Nov-2024 Aurora's Dawn  (Read 4650000 times)

Offline legionof1

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3840 on: December 23, 2016, 11:49:10 pm »
The "lunatic" type gals range from 30 to 80 at creation. Normal hireable gals range from 10-70. Warriors are 30-70.

In my experience even those 30-50 gals can be sorted out quickly with correct outfit choices. Increased combat stress outfits can force gals under the sub 50 panic tests line when they would otherwise not due to 50 bravery. The way stress functions is reduce morale by a value if morale is above bravery. Increased stress allows for greater shifts and therefore more low percentage panic tests. The closer you are to 50 morale the better your chances to resist a panic check. Successful panic resits are one the fastest ways to train bravery.

Offline khade

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3841 on: December 24, 2016, 12:10:28 am »
Using medical tools to treat people is supposed to help too, note that alcohol doesn't do anything here, and once you've got some craft guns, shooting things down can help courage as well, though I don't know the mechanics.

Offline KateMicucci

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3842 on: December 26, 2016, 09:07:18 am »
Just did Siberia for the first time. Wasn't nearly as hard as everybody claims. Nice map though.

Offline karadoc

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3843 on: December 27, 2016, 03:14:27 am »
I also just finished the Siberia mission. I appreciate the opportunity to bring out the really big guns.  8)

Here's a picture from the end of turn 1.

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3844 on: December 27, 2016, 01:26:23 pm »
 8) Such lovely fireworks  8)
Babynukes sure melt the surface quite fast and reliable. What kind of weaponry did you used to break through the supersoldiers?

Offline karadoc

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3845 on: December 27, 2016, 02:02:14 pm »
8) Such lovely fireworks  8)
Babynukes sure melt the surface quite fast and reliable. What kind of weaponry did you used to break through the supersoldiers?
I used the power-mace for at least a couple of them. The power-mace is a super-powerful weapon. It has the usual high damage of a melee weapon; it's one handed; and it never misses when used in snap mode; and it can be used to stun as well. I managed to take the final super-soldier alive with a combination of power-mace swings (not snap) and wand of rending.

Turn 1 was nukes, BFG, and ball of annihilation; and after that it was mostly power-mace, knock-out grenades, and wand of airlessness for whatever enemies were bellow the surface. I killed a couple of storm-troopers with a good-old barbed dagger; but the barbed dagger apparently wasn't strong enough to damage the super-soldiers.

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3846 on: December 27, 2016, 04:47:22 pm »
kk thx for the details. GL with the cydonia codes etc.

Offline KateMicucci

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3847 on: December 27, 2016, 05:31:42 pm »
I used 3 converted cyclopsi to soak reaction fire and spot for me while I shot everything from inside the thunderhorse with mortars and grenade launchers, but it was taking too long so I used a chinese dragon. That might have destroyed some loot, but at this point what difference does it make? Interior was cleared by cyclopsi opening doors so that the quad launchers could clear the room.

One hand died from the dragon and one died when I stupidly ledt her out of cover thinking that the supersoldier couldn't see out of the trench. The important thing is that all the cyclopsi were fine.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2016, 05:34:16 pm by KateMicucci »

Offline karadoc

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3848 on: December 28, 2016, 12:54:34 am »

I think I'll pick the red codex on my next play-though. Communion and destruction ftw.

Does the process of converting cyclops still have negative workshop space? I'm not sure if that was a bug or not, but in my previous playthroughs I always left the last cyclops with zero workers converting it in each base, so that I could hire more runts. :p   I guess it's less useful now that we don't need a prison in every base, but it would still be a plus in favour of voodoo Communion.

It seems to me that VooDoo Excess is a bit weak compared to the others. The Fairy outfit is great but it doesn't come until really late in the game - which is the same downside that VooDoo Illusion has, but Fairies come even later than Witches and Ghosts. Super Maids are a nice convenience, but not a big deal. I'm not playing with the naughty mod this time around, so I don't have the slave outfit. I assume that the Slave outfit comes with VooDoo Excess, and that would be a big buff. I found the slave outfit to be super-strong in my previous playthough, so maybe that would be enough to bring Excess up to the strength of the others...  ...  but it kind of sucks to have it locked behind a particular mod. (And I'm still just assuming that the slave outfit does come with VooDoo Excess. Maybe I'm wrong about that!)

Offline Martin

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3849 on: December 28, 2016, 12:57:53 am »
I had some smare cash, so I used chinese dragon and was lucky enough to one shot all the supersoldiers. Guess I lost on loot, but eh, I was there for the files wich were safe in the catacombs as Xcom bombs don't  leave craters behind.

Offline Meridian

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3850 on: December 31, 2016, 04:09:48 pm »
That said, I've been using the tech tree viewer a fair bit to see what I'm missing and what I need - which I think is a good thing, because otherwise I'd be completely baffled as to why I can't research some particular things. But I do think it would be nicer if it had a bit of 'spoiler' protection. I'm still in favour of the system I suggested earlier.

There is now a user option for tech tree viewer spoiler protection.

If turned on:
- you cannot click on any undiscovered tech (both on left and right side of the viewer)
- you cannot search for any undiscovered topics
- you CAN open undiscovered topics directly via middle-click... from your research queue or from the prison

Offline Starving Poet

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3851 on: December 31, 2016, 09:19:18 pm »
That's a great addition - Would it be possible to even replace unresearched topics with **** like in the inventory m-click?   If it's a lot of work, nevermind; I just think the only time I really use it is to see how much research I have left on prisoners and things like almanacs and the like.

Offline karadoc

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3852 on: January 01, 2017, 01:17:28 am »
That's a great addition - Would it be possible to even replace unresearched topics with **** like in the inventory m-click?   If it's a lot of work, nevermind; I just think the only time I really use it is to see how much research I have left on prisoners and things like almanacs and the like.
I don't think I would like _all_ unresearched topics with ****, because then the 'leads to' section would always just be a **** list. That's why I suggested earlier that names could be revealed when all of their prerequisites were researchable. I still reckon that would be the best solution - but I also can imagine that it would be significantly more complex and more work that what Meridian has already done.

The solution of just not letting the player open undiscovered topics is super simple - but the result is actually pretty close to what I had in mind. So I think it's a pretty good solution.

One other thing I like about the inventory m-click (which is now r-click I believe), is that it has the 'show spoilers' button right there, so you don't have to go mess around with settings or anything if you just want to quickly check one specific thing. So there's still room for improvement with the tech viewer, but it's in a pretty good place right now.

Offline Meridian

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3853 on: January 01, 2017, 02:38:35 pm »
That's a great addition - Would it be possible to even replace unresearched topics with **** like in the inventory m-click?   If it's a lot of work, nevermind; I just think the only time I really use it is to see how much research I have left on prisoners and things like almanacs and the like.

If I would do that, there would be no reason to use the viewer.
You can find out if a prisoner can tell you anything new by looking in the New Research queue, even in vanilla.

In this new form, the tech viewer tells you only "what you get from topics you can currently research"... I think that is the absolute minimum if this screen is to make any sense. Otherwise, I'll just delete it as useless.

One other thing I like about the inventory m-click (which is now r-click I believe), is that it has the 'show spoilers' button right there, so you don't have to go mess around with settings or anything if you just want to quickly check one specific thing. So there's still room for improvement with the tech viewer, but it's in a pretty good place right now.

Sorry, but you either don't want spoilers, because you "play honestly"; or you don't care about it and don't mind the spoilers.
If anything, I will make a user option for manufacturing dependencies like there is for the viewer... not the other way around.

Having spoilers hidden AND having a button to un-hide them on the same screen is self-righteousness and hypocrisy... and even self-deception I would say.

Offline Starving Poet

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99E.3 - 21 Dec - Dead in Space 3
« Reply #3854 on: January 01, 2017, 05:30:46 pm »
If I would do that, there would be no reason to use the viewer.
You can find out if a prisoner can tell you anything new by looking in the New Research queue, even in vanilla.

That's fair, I was just thinking about its use in the prisoner selection screen at the end of battle.