Author Topic: [ALPHA][EXP] Vesparco's Aircraft Weaponry  (Read 3990 times)

Offline Vesparco

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[ALPHA][EXP] Vesparco's Aircraft Weaponry
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:39:16 am »
Hi to all,

After some weeks fighting with a ton of image editors I managed to finish the mod I was developing to learn a bit about modding in OXC. I believe the mod is tested enough to ensure its functionality (at least I didn't had any problems so far). So without much hesitation I present:

VESPARCO's Aircraft Weaponry

The mod basically adds six additional missiles to the research tree using the progressive ladder of the Ufo's construction in a more or less reasonable way. The aims is to stablish a more smooth transition up to the fusion launcher weapon (which I believe I never used due to the OP of plasma+avenger XD).

These six missiles are separated into 3 tiers, generating 1 evolution for the stingray and the avalanche at each tier. While the balance can be dubious (as the main aspect of the weaponry is usually range), the mod aims to increase progressively the performance of each weapon to enhance the survivavility of the interceptors or reduce the number of them in multicombats.

The stingrays evolution aims mainly to a faster firing rate and an overall performance gain while the avalanche evolutions focus mostly in damage.

The research times has been adjusted extrapolating from other aircraft weaponry and the manufacturing times and prices by approximation (and just making sure it is not profitable to craft). I believe the mod is mature enough to be tested and any feedback should be appreciated.

So why alpha if it is finished?

Mainly because lacks a tough testing and also because I am not happy with the top tier missiles and the the some research pages yet. Some feedback on the designs will be appreciated.

People I want to thank

I would like to thank Hobbes, Arthanor and Dioxine for their respective mods (and their collaborators). Their work gave me the motivation to try to mod myself (although I aknowlegde a lot of other interesting mods I didn't try yet).

To Arthanor again for its modular approach into modding. They are amazingly useful to anyone trying to learn the in and outs of the ruleset system.

To Dioxine again for kindly helping in transforming some of the images used in the mod.

And to the people in the tools section for helping and gathering the material for others to mod.

What's next?

I want to polish this mod if it is useful to anyone (feel free to rip anything from it, just bear me in mind  :P). Also, I want to tackle now alien sprites to see if I can do enhanced leaders and maybe the missing navigator.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [ALPHA][EXP] Vesparco's Aircraft Weaponry
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2015, 12:39:08 pm »
Nice, I like the descriptions as well as the pics. The only thing I don't really like is the background for the alloy weapons article - now very clear, not very consistent with X-Com style.