this mod is absolutely gorgeous, im trapped playing it while also playing the Warhammer 40k total conversion and also the like an absolute madman not being able to decide which one keep playing and just keep switching between them but i have to say this is one of my favourites.....if i could only ask or request something..... It would be to have some of your beautiful work on the base tile (i mean the Xcom ones), i play battles time to time just to keep looking to such wonderful sprite work....but always keep wondering if someday the dull gray-brownish ugly tiles/sprites from vainilla xcom base are gonna be washed out like he did with the alien base, i hope that glorius day come (no matter how far it may look i wish that day comes :p).
Ps. maybe i could ask also the sprite for the nerve armour have matching purple lights so they could be EVEN more unique...but thats like nonsensical whinning tho.
Thanks for all your work XOps, im anxious to keep watching (and obviously playing with) all your future work
