
Author Topic: OpenXcom 1.0 - I lost!  (Read 7672 times)

Offline Muukalainen

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OpenXcom 1.0 - I lost!
« on: July 01, 2014, 08:55:41 pm »
So, just finished my first OpenXcom campaign.

I think it was end of the April report: Game over. We have stopped the funding. I quess couple of months with negative score was enough for them.

Difficulty was medium with Ironman + I had some mods on.

I think I should have built more radar bases or patrolled more with my aircraft. I have never done much of that patrolling, but now found one MiB base in Canada after I noticed there was lots of UFO activity, after a month without much of action. Nice mod btw, it had really creepy feeling as you did not really know what was going on. Though I think the walls were too strong.

All my UFO battles went ok, but on my last terror missions I got negative score even when I managed to win them all. Too many casualties and dead civilians.

Next time I need to use those millions on more bases. Now I had about 6 million dollars when the game ended.

Great experience. Thank you again for making OpenXcom.

Offline the_third_curry

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Re: OpenXcom 1.0 - I lost!
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2014, 05:00:32 am »
Here's a bit of advise that works for me, if you don't mind:

Did you use tanks? They can be lifesavers during the early game (literally.) They can take multiple hits and can find aliens that your soldiers can snipe from a distance.

In my opinion, you should start laying groundwork for a second base as soon as possible, usually sometime during the second month, with a third base coming a month or two after that. Three bases that are placed correctly and stocked with soldiers and crafts can get you through the game, so you can slow it down on making other bases after that, or just make future bases for radar or production purposes (though if you have the money to build up you're bases beyond that, why not?) Personally, I like having a lot of bases when I can afford it, but it's not really necessary.

Also, if you're going Ironman, pick and choose your battles. Terror missions and MiB are generally a one-way ticket to a full squad wipeout early on if you're on Ironman. Not responding to terror missions is a massive loss of points, so just show up, gun a few near your ship and get out so your soldiers will see another day until you have the guns to get through it more easily.

Offline Jstank

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Re: OpenXcom 1.0 - I lost!
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2014, 08:03:14 am »
A word of advice on strategy, 8)

One nugget of wisdom I can give you is coverage coverage coverage. Early in the game you need to start expanding your radar coverage right away. Your still going to start out with one base but by month 2 or three you should have at least two. They don't have to be anything extravagant, just a large radar, an interceptor hanger and general store. (later add living quarters for a contingent of base defence, but thats not till way later.) Spread them out around the globe and try to cover all the major continents. Try not to overlap them too much. I like to start out my initial base in the Arctic. This is a great coverage location as ufo's like to short cut around the north pole while zipping to and from their destination. Then I put an interceptor base in Northern Africa, SE Asia, and Mexico. You can cover 75% of the land masses with those four bases. If you want build a radar only in southern africa, South America, and Hawaii. Now you can shoot down a lot of UFO's. Go straight for heavy plasma and equip those fighters. Once you have the resources and the tech get hyperwave decoders. At that point the only thing you have to worry about is battle ships. If you have coverage you can shoot the terror missions down before they land. You can go a whole month without stepping out of a sky ranger and still receive an excellent rating due to all the ufo's you shoot down. By then you ll have enough of a financial and point cushion to farm landed supply ships, take down alien bases, upgrade your tech, and get psionics. before you know it you will be on the road to cydonia and general glory....

Good luck commander!   

Offline abacaps

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Re: OpenXcom 1.0 - I lost!
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2014, 09:47:28 am »
I can confirm at least two bases at that stage is key, I don't think patrolling is necessary. Also for the missions research shortcuts help for more men to survive. Things which can be skipped include all plasma pistols and rifles (straight to heavy), heavy laser and laser cannon (stick to laser rifles, and go straight for plasma cannon), as well as the motion scanner. Surprised you had 6 million dollars, I usually don't have more than a hundred thousand or so - whatever I have I early game I spend on researchers and a research lab, or a new base.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 09:49:15 am by abacaps »

Offline Gifty

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Re: OpenXcom 1.0 - I lost!
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2014, 09:51:48 am »
I have to say, losing is my favorite part of 1.0

No, I'm serious!

Offline abacaps

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Re: OpenXcom 1.0 - I lost!
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2014, 11:04:58 am »
I have to say, losing is my favorite part of 1.0

No, I'm serious!

Agreed :) I find it more fun to lose than to win

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: OpenXcom 1.0 - I lost!
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2014, 12:12:40 pm »
Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf Fortress everywhere... :))

Offline myk002

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Re: OpenXcom 1.0 - I lost!
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2014, 03:46:22 am »
Funny you should mention Dwarf Fortress.  In the lull here while waiting for TFTD to arise, I find myself playing that game (and writing code for the supporting tools) : P