Hi Tnarg,
I worked on your base facilities without your permission...
As I am interested in your work, I decided to integrate them for my own use
I also share it in case it may be of any help to you or any other
I attach the full mod,
beware that it does not contain your weapons stuff any more, only facilities
It contains also :
- your maps and routes (as you provided them, i.e. no change)
- resources
- I renamed your files accordingly to my method

and only corrected bottom hangar shape
- I prepared resources for other facilities
- full ruleset
(beware to make all your rulesets converted to UTF8 ; this one has been converted)- a folder User, that you can use in order to test it easily -> just copy it over your user directory (
on a test environment, do not overwrite your own !!)
- included screen shots on folder root are of no use (also just for information)
There is an issue with the 3X3 hangar which does not display well in ufopaedia (see attached screen shot), I have no solution for it
Some advices :
- When designing SpriteFacility (I mean for facilities of size > 1), I meet an issue (I don't know if I am alone) that has something to do with palettes ; it works well for first NW corner, but alters colours (blue-purple only ?) for other sprites ; take care of that when you redesign them, make first a test on one sprite (and please tell me if you meet same issue)
- You also do not have to change SpriteShapes, but SpriteFacilities only (see link below for my comments about building queue shapes)
I posted some information on how making new base facilities