Author Topic: Feature missing from original Xcom  (Read 4274 times)

Offline Unknown Hero

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Feature missing from original Xcom
« on: May 22, 2014, 08:07:51 pm »

In original Xcom, when a soldier uses 2 weapons, the player can choose which weapon is active.

Say, you have a soldier with a Rocket Launcher (Right Hand slot) and a Laser Pistol (Left Hand slot).

During combat mission, the soldier selected, click on the Laser Pistol (Use Left Hand Item) with the left mouse button, then click outside the menu (right or left mouse button in original Xcom, left mouse button in OpenXcom) to escape the menu (Aimed Shot - Snap Shot - Auto Shot - Throw).

Now, the Laser Pistol is the active weapon, and if the "reserve TUs for Snap Shot" button is "on", then the needed TUs to use the Laser Pistol are reserved (ex: 12 TU).
And if the soldier need to fire (reaction fire) during enemy turn, he will use the Laser Pistol.

If the player click (the soldier selected) on the Rocket Launcher (Use Right Hand Item) with the left mouse button, then click outside the menu to escape the menu; now, the Rocket Launcher is the active weapon, and if the "reserve TUs for Snap Shot" button is "on", then the needed TUs to use the Rocket Launcher are reserved (ex: 27 TU).
And if the soldier need to fire (reaction fire) during enemy turn, he will use the Rocket Launcher.

It does not work this way in OpenXcom.

Hope that helps ;-)

Offline CoolKid

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Re: Feature missing from original Xcom
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2014, 09:59:12 pm »
As far as i know (maybe im wrong) OXC uses right hand weapon only for reaction fire so if u want pistol just switch them (with "ctrl" i believe, im not sure though). :P

Offline Warboy1982

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Re: Feature missing from original Xcom
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2014, 02:53:28 am »
not quite... reaction fire uses the "fastest" weapon in all cases, meaning the one with the lowest cost to perform a snap shot with at least one bullet remaining in the clip. regardless of handedness, accuracy or most recently used.

the reason the pistol does not replace the rocket launcher when you click on it is thus:
we show sprites for weapons in both hands when possible, and a 2 handed weapon overrides a single handed weapon.
if holding 2 rifles, you get the exact behaviour you describe, and will actually see the soldier holding a rifle in either hand when firing.
if holding 2 pistols, you see both of them at all times.
if holding a pistol and a rifle, the one that requires both hands wins out, but you will see both when firing.

as an added bonus, in openxcom, when holding a weapon in your left hand, the shot originates from the left side of your body, which allows for shots that may not have been possible in the original (as does forced fire)
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 03:11:44 am by Warboy1982 »

Offline Unknown Hero

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Re: Feature missing from original Xcom
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2014, 11:10:29 pm »
Sorry for my late reply.
And thanks for explanations.

So, in the above case, the soldier always uses the Laser Pistol for reaction fire.

However, there is a problem, what I wanted to explain was not for graphics display but for tactical purpose.
The soldier uses the Laser Pistol for reaction fire, but the number of TUs is reserved for the use of the Rocket Launcher.
In all cases 27 TU are reserved, the soldier therefore can not advance further and it only needs 12 TU to fire the Laser Pistol.

Also, it's not possible to specify to the soldier to perform a snap shot (for reaction fire) with the Laser Pistol or with the Rocket Launcher depending on the tactical situation, as it's possible in original Xcom.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 11:13:31 pm by Unknown Hero »