Author Topic: [WIP/GAMEPLAY] Kiryu-Kai Mod UPDATED 21th_May  (Read 23320 times)

Offline civilian

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[WIP/GAMEPLAY] Kiryu-Kai Mod UPDATED 21th_May
« on: May 17, 2014, 03:13:25 pm »
I am working on a mod that unlike most others, makes things harder and actually removes/replaces stuff.
As a small tribute to the failed and abandonded Kiryu-Kai (see official X-Com timeline) I named the mod Kiryu-Kai mod.

Kiryu-Kai Mod v.0.95

What is this mod about?

This mod is meant to be a hard game alternative for experienced power-players.
It was inspired by the Kiryu-Kai, a japanese Anti-Alien-Unit mentioned in the official X-Com timeline.
The Kiryu-Kai were formed (and abandoned) ~ 1 year before X-Com was formed. I liked the idea of an elite squad with little funding, so I went along with it.
Consider this mod as a very difficult challenge for experienced X-Com veterans, who want a bare-bone, mostly original gameplay with no super-weapons.
The general mod-ideas are: Minimal Equipment Choice, High Difficulty, Mostly original stats and gameplay, Different graphical theme.

What does this mean in general?

You will have NO offensive heavy weapon platforms, only a bulky remote-controlled-vehicle for scouting purposes.
You will have NO flying-suits.
You will have less funds.
You will never be able to use any Alien weapons.
You will never have clip-less Laser weapons, they have been replaced by an alternative technology, the Magneto Weapons.
You will get a new (limited-supply) melee-weapon.
You will get a different Skyranger.

What does this mean in detail?

Redundant weapon ammo has been removed, this means the Rocket Launcher, the Heavy Cannon and Auto-Cannon have been changed to specific purposes.
I did not change the damage/accuracy/Time-unit stats, the auto-cannon fires 4 shots in auto-mode now, though.
No tanks, no hover-tanks. You will have a RCV to scout the area, that's all.
No flying suit. This means no cheap tricks against melee aliens.
Your soldiers (and engineers, scientists) are more expensive and need 1 week to arrive. The soldiers however are ELITE soldiers with good stats.
They are no supermen, they only had some training before. No longer will a 10-bravery, 10-accuracy, 10-strength loser apply for the job.
You will also have less PSI-weaklings. Less does not mean none, but the chances are much smaller.
You can not use or manufacture alien weapons. Not even the Alien Grenade.
The starting base is smaller and you will have less funds and crafts at the game start.
You will start in 1998, just like mentioned in the official timeline.
Laser weapons have been replaced by the Magneto Technology, they are armor-piercing weapons and are slightly weaker than the laser weapons.
The craft laser and the laser defenses have also been replaced by Magneto versions.

Anything else?

Of course you can play the game in any way you want, but to experience this mod the way it was intended, please read the following short thoughts:
I recommend NOT to use ANY other mod weapons, tanks or crafts along with this mod. Even my own. This mod is meant to be difficult.
My terrain mods (City, Farm, Alien Base) and LukesExtraUfos (especially the "dark" version) are highly recommended.
It is essential to start a new campaign, otherwise errors and bugs might occur.
Disabling/Weakening PSI for the human side (or generally) per in-game options is HIGHLY recommended. PSI ruins the game if used without any restrictions.
Using the TFTD damage formula option is recommended, too. The default formula is far too random.
I also recommend using JSGME (JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler), a little freeware tool, to install this (and other) mod(s).
Some people recommend using the UFOExtender accuracy option, but I don't, simply because hitting something in XCom already is unrealistically difficult.
SolariusScorch's ReptoidRace and robin's Cover-Alien-mod work fine with this mod, if you DON'T use their separate Alien-Armory-compatible versions.
SolariusScorch's NewUfosMod works fine with this mod and is highly recommended.

Any future plans?

Adding more translations.
Finding out what Kiryu-Kai actually means. From what I found so far, I think it means the "Unit/Group from the Kiryu area" but I am not japanese.

Known mod "conflicts":
Most available mods will work flawlessly with this mod. HOWEVER, there are some things to consider:

The original "PowerSuitHelmetOff" mod conflicts with this mod, as my inventory screens are based on those.
robin's Men-In-Black Mod uses laser weapons which my mod replaces, thus leaving some enemies unarmed.
SolariusScorch's Alien Armory Mod gives the aliens and the player new weapons, invalidating the mod's idea.
Any add-on weapon, tank or armor mod might also invalidate the mod's idea.
Terran Plasma Mod gives the player new weapons, invalidating the mod's idea.

Feel free to use ANY of my mod resources in ANY way you see fit. But please do not alter this specific mod without asking.
Civilian 2014


v.0.80 unreleased, placeholder graphics.
v.0.81 unreleased, graphics done, handobjects done, sounds done.
v.0.89 unreleased, added restrictions and gameplay changes.
v.0.90 unreleased, numerous tweaks to handobject graphics, balance changes and fixes after test-games.
v.0.91 first release, added slightly changed UI graphics.
v.0.92 solved the invincible Sectopod problem, adjusted stats of some weapons and facilities, changed some text-strings, sounds and handobjects.
v.0.93 added custom colored power suit and inventory screens (the inventory screens are edited ones from the "PowerSuitHelmetOff" mod by an unknown modder, there was no read-me in the source file); added a special Tanto-Dagger that only the initial 8 squad members get, the users strength and melee-skill ADD to its default damage, making it a very strong weapon in the hands of late-game soldiers. The graphics for the Tanto are based on the CombatKnife mod (by Chico, Moriarty, Nightwolf and Warboy1982), but are basically completely redone.
v.0.94 Added the RCV/Scout. It has no offensive weapon, but can provide smoke cover. It has no reaction-fire as it is supposed to be remote-controlled by a human being. The basic idea came from the Scout-Drone mod from Ryskeliini and Arpia, but I went for a full-scale (2x2) vehicle instead, avoiding the Chryssalid-infection-bug that plagued the other mod. Removed maxRange limit from Shotgun. Changed handobjects for easier identification.
v.0.95 Replaced the original Skyranger, the new one has place for two more soldiers and has a slightly different look and layout. Increased Tanto-Dagger damage.

The Auto-Cannon fires 4 auto-shots now to make it a more viable alternative to the rifle.
The Heavy (Flame) Cannon has arcing shots, making it a very useful support weapon.
The Magneto Shotgun is ideal for the troops closest to the craft's exit.
The Magneto Launcher is THE weapon to battle Sectopods, they take this role from the Heavy Laser. But remember that they are heavy, have limited ammo AND are slightly weaker than the Heavy Laser, so don't get careless.
The 8 Tanto daggers are irreplaceable. Do not leave them behind on the battlefield without a good reason. Their maximum average damage is 130 when wielded by (end-game) 70 strength soldiers, making them viable through the whole game. They are still "only" melee-weapons, so don't get too excited about them. If you want to replenish them (Cheater! :-D ) or add them to another save-game you will have to do so MANUALLY by editing the save-game with a text-editor. The object-id is STR_TANTO. Make a backup of the save-game BEFORE editing it, in case something goes wrong. See screen-shot no.6 in the DOCS folder for a better explanation.
The RCV/Scout is especially helpful at night when the aliens have a far bigger viewing-range than your troops have. Use them to minimize risks for your soldiers.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 01:47:45 pm by civilian »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WIP/GAMEPLAY] Kiryu-Kai Mod
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2014, 05:37:17 pm »

If you want to alter my Alien Armoury mod to fit your conversion, I'm totally okay with this.

As for the Sectopod: a combination of strong explosives and melee weapons seem fine. Since it's Kiryu-Kai, katanas are valid. :D

Offline Human Ktulu

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Re: [WIP/GAMEPLAY] Kiryu-Kai Mod
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2014, 08:14:45 pm »
Wow, an prequel for X-Com !  8)

Offline robin

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Re: [WIP/GAMEPLAY] Kiryu-Kai Mod
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2014, 01:29:17 am »
(a) nerfing the Sectopod
(b) changing the Magneto weapon damage type to laser, but that would be nullifying the whole mod idea
(c) adding a special laser weapon to destroy sectopods, maybe a melee one...
Putting in a special "anti-sectopod" weapon is the kind of "setpiece" solution that is completely antithetic to how X-COM is designed. IMO.

Nerfing the Sectopod is the simplest and most "conservative" solution:
- lower its armor values, so it can be downed with 3-to-4 large rockets;
- if you think that the weakened armor is too vulnerable to AP, then raise its AP resistance accordingly.

If you opt for a new weapon this could be a solution:

- remove the small rocket item entry;
- rename "large rocket" as "rocket" (lower the damage by 10 points eventually);
- resize both sprites for small rocket and large rocket, so that they use a 1x2 slot (instead of 1x3);
- have the IN rocket use the resized small rocket graphics;
- set the weight for these rockets to 5.

The changes above will "make room" for an Advanced, "Javelin" type, Rocket Launcher:
- create a new, research-dependent , "Advanced Rocket Launcher", or something,  weapon;
- make it shoot with waypoints as the Blaster Launcher, and assign it an own "missile" ammo;
- create the "missile" ammo item, using the now unused IN rocket sprite (you could even retouch it to make it "fatter", and having it take a 2x3 slot);
- set "missile" damage to 160 HE (eventually tame the blastradius, if it gets too big) and set weight to 11 ( 9 or 10 if it uses a 2x3 slot).
- test and balance: Sectopods should 9/10 times survive the first hit (even if hit from behind), but 9/10 times die on second hit (% are indicative).

You now have an all-around-useful heavy artillery weapon, that nicely coexists (instead of merely replacing) with the regular rocket launcher.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2014, 01:31:40 am by robin »

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Re: [WIP/GAMEPLAY] Kiryu-Kai Mod
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2014, 04:24:02 pm »
Thanks robin and solariusscorch! After considering your ideas and after a very thorough checking of the game mechanics, i went for robin's solution in "small" and made a completly "fluff" solution and changed the Sectopods armour (and the Magneto Launcher), so that they are basically the new HeavyLaser/Sectopod arangement. This was made by letting the AP weapons do more damge to the Sectopod. However (and that's why I like the solution) this does not change anything except for the Magneto Launcher, all other AP weapons are too weak to get through the Sectopod's armor anyway, even when using the X-Com damage option.

I updated the first post with a new version!  :)

Many thanks for the ideas and input!
Atm I am thinking about a special armor look, fitting the Magneto Weapons with a nice japanese flagsymbol somewhere on it, that or I will make the weapons more brownish like the original weaponry.

A katana..... Yes, sounds like a good idea, too. Not sure if Ill make it a starter weapon or a high-tech sci-fi weapon.  ::)

« Last Edit: May 18, 2014, 04:30:00 pm by civilian »

Offline moriarty

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« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2014, 04:52:16 pm »
I like the idea of the japanese symbol on the weapons. perhaps make them a little bit less shiny, but keep them white-ish, then simply add a red dot somewhere.

also, of course, every Kiryu-Kai should at least carry a Wakizashi, the Katana might be too long and get in the way ;) I could totally see those soldiers taking alien alloy shards back to the base and asking a bladesmith to fashion it into a weapon...

Offline Solarius Scorch

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« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2014, 07:00:38 pm »
Traditional Japanese weaponry was rather diverse (like in most cultures), it's not just daikyo (katana + wakizashi). So you can go wild. XD

An obvious idea is to remove all name files except the Japanese. I believe it should be enlarged though, to avoid too much repetition.

Offline Warboy1982

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« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2014, 04:42:03 am »
true, but this is the modern age, we use mass production. Officers being issued with a katana is fairly commonplace in Japanese military history, but many of these blades were of vastly inferior quality, more of a symbol of their warrior spirit to inspire the troops rather than a functional weapon. it was worn with the uniform, not necessarily carried into battle. i actually own one, so i'm speaking from personal observations of the weapon. it's a mass production item, uses inferior metal (possibly the leaf springs from a jeep's suspension) and lacks any marks of craftsmanship. it probably COULD cut a man down, but i wouldn't count on it going back into the saya afterwards.

issuing each soldier with a symbolistic yet functional weapon like a wakizashi or tanto is well within the Japanese mindset, as a reminder of their proud heritage as well as a servicable (and cheap) personal weapon, i wouldn't go giving them a kodachi or katana, as moriarty pointed out, they'd simply get in the way when not in use.

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« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2014, 04:05:09 pm »
I listened to all your inputs and added a Tanto-Dagger that only the initial 8 crew members get!  :)
That and I added a custom armor and other stuff. see post no.1 for more info. (once it is updated)  ;D

Atm I am planning to add a custom personal armor and starting uniform as well, replacing the default ones.
What interests me the most atm are balance issues, is the game too hard now, or are the weapons too strong etc, things like that.

anyway, have fun!
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 04:12:29 pm by civilian »

Offline civilian

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Re: [WIP/GAMEPLAY] Kiryu-Kai Mod UPDATED 19th_May
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2014, 12:04:11 pm »
No update today, but some questions:

Any feedback about the lack of tanks? I myself feel that the cover they provide seems to miss somehow, not their firepower, though. Maybe I should add a heavy armour (with actual weight and some other limits) for "tank" troops, basically heavy front line troops that can't move fast or carry much, but are strong enough to survive a shot from the plasma rifle?

I also was thinking of changing the alien stats to those of X-Com 2012 (or at least as close as possible), turning this into some kind of Mini-Conversion...

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [WIP/GAMEPLAY] Kiryu-Kai Mod UPDATED 19th_May
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2014, 07:45:55 pm »
@Civilian: I would never play this mod since not having awesome guns in the end sounds really dull and unrewarding, but I think your ideas are sound and cohesive. About the lack of tanks... I was never using them anyway (smoke grenades ftw), and if the starting troops are even better, the less reason to use them.

As for the melee weapon, this is the only point where this gets illogical - why katana for God's sake. Why not simply a knife.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WIP/GAMEPLAY] Kiryu-Kai Mod UPDATED 19th_May
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2014, 07:56:16 pm »
As for the melee weapon, this is the only point where this gets illogical - why katana for God's sake. Why not simply a knife.

The only reason i mentioned a katana was about the cult scene in Hobbes' XCOM: The Unknown Menace (it can be read here).

Offline civilian

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Re: [WIP/GAMEPLAY] Kiryu-Kai Mod UPDATED 19th_May
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2014, 01:45:07 pm »
Tanto-Dagger, actually. They are rather common and are in fact only a certain style of knife with a certain blade edge tip. And the way I implemented them makes pefect sense in a japanese/tradition based mod. About the "lack" of weapons: The mod is a prequel to XCom, it wouldn't make sense to add better/stronger weapons than the original game has. That and I wanted to make a mod where you fight the aliens with earth-weapons oonly.

Anyway, I updated the mod! I added and changed quite a lot of things, it's almost a complete overhaul, see post 1 for more info (once i updated it)  ;D

Amongst other things I added a special tank and a custom Skyranger with Japanese markings. I also changed the Tanto/Knife's damage, edited the handobjects a bit for easier identification and and and

I think the mod is almost complete now, but i want to finish my campaign with it first to see how the end-game behaves.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 01:54:48 pm by civilian »

Offline moriarty

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Re: [WIP/GAMEPLAY] Kiryu-Kai Mod UPDATED 21th_May
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2014, 02:43:44 pm »
I wonder if it would be possible to turn this from a stand-alone prequel into an actual early-game? you start as the kiryu-kai, fight for a while, possibly with only some of the alien races, until you hit some "turning point" (time and/or mission-related), at which point the x-com project starts, and you start out with the soldiers already trained as kiryu-kai... ?

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WIP/GAMEPLAY] Kiryu-Kai Mod UPDATED 21th_May
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2014, 05:46:43 pm »
I wonder if it would be possible to turn this from a stand-alone prequel into an actual early-game? you start as the kiryu-kai, fight for a while, possibly with only some of the alien races, until you hit some "turning point" (time and/or mission-related), at which point the x-com project starts, and you start out with the soldiers already trained as kiryu-kai... ?

Nice idea! Though a bit demanding on the designer side. Plus, this would require messing around a lot with alien missions, some of it impossible with just a ruleset (we can't have city terrors in month 1, etc).