Been working on a lot of maps lately so i have some feedback for you on Mapview.
So your program lets you add new levels of terrain to either Above existing block levels or below, this is great, but it looks like the Routes are not updated correctly when this happens as i have several map blocks where my Routes are on Levels 3 and 4 but i have nothing on levels 1 & 2. I will try to recreate this for you tonight and see if i can find out exactly how this happens.
For pre-existing route notes, your software allows you to easily drag around to new positions (which is great), any chance of a button to move it down or up a level?
On the Topview tab, on the outside of the grid, could you add little colour line indicating where the 10th block end in both X and Y axis, hell you could even link this up to a filed so custom values can be set, i am currently doing some larger map blocks and square counting is very common place especially since i am trying to copy and paste data from one mapset to another and place everything in correct locations.
To help on the same above large map blocks, it would be useful if when i am highlighting a group of parts, there was some user feedback somewhere that tells me i have 6 blocks in X and 5 blocks in Y currently selected, once again to avoid me counting square by square.
I still have months of mapbuilding in front of me so i thought i would bring this up now just in case you like any of my feedback and decide to add it

Also a little off topic, I see OpenApoc is coming along nicely, Could Mapview2 handle its maps?