Author Topic: Alter the Celatid in battle to closer match Ufopedia description.  (Read 3675 times)

Offline Sabin Stargem

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In the description for the Celatid, there are two bits of information that implies this unit is not behaving properly:

This life-form has the mysterious natural ability to float through the air. It appears to detect human brain waves and will move towards a human target even if well hidden. Once a target is detected the Celatid lands and fires small globules of extremely corrosive venom. The creature has the ability to clone itself at an alarming rate. It accompanies the Muton race in its wanderings.

The core contains a small bio-mechanical device which appears to be a naturally evolved anti-gravity propulsion system. The sac of venom is the largest organ and there does not appear to be a separate brain structure. There is no discernible digestive or reproductive system. A small organ contains embryos which can grow rapidly into a new being.

According to the Ufopedia article, the Celatid only detects humans after turn 20 like all other aliens, and it doesn't clone itself in the field.  I think that giving it the ability to do both of these things would make it a stronger terror unit and more unique.

Offline luke83

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Re: Alter the Celatid in battle to closer match Ufopedia description.
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2013, 10:49:19 am »
Sounds good to me :) Cloning rate should vary upon difficulty

Offline Sabin Stargem

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Re: Alter the Celatid in battle to closer match Ufopedia description.
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2013, 08:52:44 pm »
What would be an appropriate rate of cloning?  Don't want too many of these being reproduced, but too few would also not do any good...perhaps this would be good?

10 turns  ---> Beginner
8 turns    ---> Experienced
7 turns    ---> Veteran
6 turns    ---> Genius
5 turns    ---> Superhuman