this is just an open discussion following on greyhound's blog comment.
Hqx is the only scaler I have experience with, it's fast, opensource and easy to implement (1 single class). (
There is another widely used one called 2xSAI, which seems to do the job very nice as well:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2xsai_example.pngIn openXcom it can scale raster graphics immediatly after loading them, so there is no scaling going on during the game itself, in contrary to the pixel-stretching it is now doing, which will drastically increase framerate at higher resolutions. Downside is that the scaling is fixed to either 2x 3x or 4x.
But this ofcourse only applies to raster graphics and not to vector graphics like the globe and the user interface elements, which have to be scaled in a mathematical way.
In attachement a preview of what hq3x does in comparison with the standard stretcher set to 960x600.
PS. it's faked, the hq3x is applied after the screenshot, but it's just to get an idea