Author Topic: [DONE] More options for spawning zombies, units and items  (Read 2221 times)

Offline Meridian

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[DONE] More options for spawning zombies, units and items
« on: April 29, 2023, 03:58:14 pm »
Here's a summary of various features added in OXCE v7.9
I will put it here on one place instead of spreading it across multiple older posts.

Related posts:
1. Spawning units (e.g. brainsucker launcher):,6535.0.html
2. Spawning items (e.g. flare launcher):,10823.0.html


Spawning zombies is vanilla, attribute `zombieUnit`.

OXCE added the following options in the past: `zombieUnitByArmorMale`, `zombieUnitByArmorFemale`, `zombieUnitByType`.

OXCE also added a chance to spawn, using attribute `specialChance`.
However this attribute is also used for other things, so now in OXCE v7.9 it is possible to explicitly define just the chance for spawning zombies using attribute `zombieUnitChance`.
If not defined, `specialChance` is still used as fall-back.

Also, it is now (since OXCE v7.9 since OXCE v7.11.4) possible to define the faction of the spawned zombie using attribute `zombieUnitFaction` (default is hostile faction).
-1 means "same faction as the attacker"


Spawning units is available for a longer time now too in OXCE.
Using `spawnUnit` and `spawnUnitFaction`.

In OXCE v7.9, a new attribute `spawnUnitChance` was added to control spawn chance.
If not defined, `specialChance` is used as fall-back.


Spawning items is new in OXCE v7.9.

Attributes: `spawnItem` and `spawnItemChance`.
If not defined, `specialChance` is used as fall-back.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2024, 09:41:56 am by Meridian »

Offline Meridian

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Re: [DONE] More options for spawning zombies, units and items
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2024, 10:06:02 am »