This wednesday I was testing Brutal-AI together with a streamer who is an avid TFTD-player.
He immediately pointed out something wrong with being able to look through the walls of the Triton.
I think you can see terrain through it but not enemies.
I wasn't sure because it was something that was my fault (I did mess around a bit with TileEngine). But now I tested it. And the same bug is present in OXCE 7.8.5 too.
OXC, however doesn't have this bug.
See the reference screenshots.
To reproduce just turn around one of the soldiers at the NE and the NW-walls to face the wall. Happens 100% of the time in OXCE and my OXCE-fork.
I wanted to look at the difference in calculateLineTile between OXC and OXCE to see a potential reason. But OXC doesn't even have a calculateLineTile function and thus must do this stuff in a completely different way.

Attached are screenshots with (OXCE) and without (OXC) the bug.