Eh, if you want to have a discussion, sure, I'll play along. I'm a sucker for a good argument.
We both know nothing will change, neither the mod's balancing nor my opinion of it.
Because it's not a martial weapon.
This would be an argument in D&D, perhaps.
all sword-like edged weapons are difficult to use, especially for beginners (because edge alignment is hard under duress). I could see all mainly slashing weapons (so not knives nor giant twohanders) get the 0-200 treatment, but drawing an arbitrary line between one slab of sharpened metal and another...

Especially when a Billhook (the gardening tool, not the polearm!) is 50-150%.
Because sharp borders between weapon classes only exist in your imagination, and in a game we need to classify border cases somehow.
Says the man making a sharp border between two rather similar bolt-action guns. And, BTW, there
are rather sharp borders between different types of weapons IRL. E.g. you will
never have an SMG cross over into a purely rifle role (600 meter potshots, for example) because a handgun cartridge has its limits. Even if you put a metre of barrel on the SMG and screw in into a vise.
Sharp borders are supposed to reflect some kind of inherent advantage. In the case of sniper rifles, the biggest difference should be the optics. Which would neatly explain the difference between the HR and the BA. There are even scoped hunting rifle sprites floating around.
What, shoulds all weapons work exactly the same? What's the point in that?
similar weapons should work similarly. All GPMGs and LMGs have relatively similar rates of fire IRL, both mechanically and doctrinally. The difference is primarily in how long you can sustain your fire without needing to change/cool the barrel, get more ammo (or even if you are
given spare barrels and ammo mules), the caliber(s) they fire, the feeding mechanism (belt, mag, what kind of mag), weight, and more.
Most of these can be implemented in OXCE without inventing new and arbitrary differences on top. Heck, you could even give them different fire modes, like the M60 getting Short Burst, Long Burst and Full Auto while the LMGs have Snap Shot, Short Burst and Long Burst.
Maybe make some actual arguments first, since I can only guess what you are getting at. What does Bravery have to do with sniper rifles?
I think that's a jab at the .308 sniper rifle. That gun makes your bullets veer towards what you're shooting at depending on how much chutzpah you have.

I could buy that as some sort of 'veterans can control their fire better in combat'
if it was applied to all guns, or at least to all similar guns. But no, only the G11 and the Mosin have this. At least the Mosin is a similar gun.
The UAC weapons having a uniform bravery bonus is good example of how it could work.
What's wrong with the stars, which you can throw at people but need good stats to actually kill with them?
Because IRL, getting any thrown weapon to hit
and 'stick' is an exercise in frustration even under range conditions. Hitting something with a
rock is far more difficult than shooting them.
I suppose the lack of damage could be attributed to 'no stick', but the wild accuracy scaling is completely the opposite of reality.
A bonus-less maxed human marksman using a sniper rifle gets 2/3 the base accuracy of a master knife thrower with knives. A typical sniper rifle's accuracy compensates for those, but give both of them +10 stat (commendations, enhancements, armours) and the thrower starts pulling ahead. An average recruit (45 throwing, 55 firing) has base 50% with throwing weapons (*0.5-1.5 depending on what weapon and fire mode they're using) while getting base 30% with sniper rifles (*0.5-1.5, again) and 55% (*.6-1.3, or so) with plain old rifles.
I will
guarantee that if you pick a dozen random grunts, policemen, FBI agents, etc, they will be an
order of magnitude better with rifles, sniper or not, short range or long, than hitting people with throwing knives at 50 paces.
Now, you can of course make unrealistic throwing weapons for gameplay purposes. But in that case, the argument is not "what's wrong?", because there's plenty wrong. The argument is "Do you want cool throwing weapons or not?". Some people do, some do not.
And all the while, people's expectations get subverted because the in-game throwing weapons behave
completely differently from how you'd expect them to, with nary an explanation. Even though you could have 'field manual' article saying these are 'rule of cool' weapons.
And even then, they're so good compared to the competition it's ridiculous. It's the 'Rookies, forget about rifles, grab all the grenades you can! That Sectoid two screens over needs killing!" all over again.
Bullshit. My life would be so easy if it was true.
How you complicate your life is your business. What matters is how your efforts translate into the game.
As long as a handgun can outshoot an LMG at 30 tiles, a
bolt action fires faster than a
semi-auto PSG-1 and people shoot miniguns without power armour, I am not seeing any sort of 'balance' in the game. It's all made up on the spot, inherited from the OG or outsourced to Dioxine, with little done to reconcile the differences.
Dioxine has his own big project and doesn't have the time to balance mine. I did consult with him a few times and I borrowed some ideas from Piratez, because why reinvent the wheel?
Which shows that the basic balance of
a lot of weapons is
not taken from Piratez... how exactly? I'm not saying everything is literally
copy-pasted, but the influence and the similarities in design philosophy are obvious.
It's not because of Piratez...
It's inspired by Piratez making melee viable and a central part of the game. So you also wanted to have the same, even if you didn't want to have the
exact same effect. Why reinvent the wheel and all that. So that's where we are.
Now you're just twisting my words, pistol sniping has nothing to do with the line you quote (which obviously applies to complaints like "gun X is useless").
I suppose I skipped a step. Sorry. Pistol sniping was brought up, and you resisted any change, going "It's fine; don't use pistols if you don't like them; find a pistol you like and stick with it;
I have no issues with them; no weapon tiers in this game." Until it became abundantly clear how silly the end result was.
Although I admit that dumb shit people do to game the system tend to surprise me regularly. Sniping with pistols being one of them.
It was the path of least resistance, taught to players repeatedly over early apprehension missions. No wonder they learned to rely on pistol potshots. Because it
Also, making this from scratch is boring and would require a ton of engineering research which I'm not willing to do and would probably take years.
Like I'll let anyone "rebalance" my mod, lol.
Yes, exactly what I said earlier. Nobody, not Solarius, not Dioxine, not 8mono, not Eddie, not me,
nobody, has the mental and physical endurance to do this. So the balance is what it is and it's up to the players to find their sweet spot in it (or fail and play other mods/games). Perhaps tweak some data that seems excessively strange if that helps.
And I meant as a submod, if done by a different person. Like Eddie did.